Games You Played Today Classic Mini

i don’t think i like tetris effect very much. the game just goes way too fast, to the point that i can’t rotate my pieces in time, so i’ve been stuck on the same level for what feels like an hour.

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just remember, the game has a buffer for rotation so you can have a piece pre-rotated to help you along and it also has infinite spin, seemingly to a far more forgiving degree than other modern Tetris titles. you can also up the number of upcoming pieces the game will show you.

the other easy way to get used to it is to hit up marathon and turn on endless. the game stops advancing the speed level at 15, so once you get there, you can just sit there and try to get used to it (15 is the fastest non-instant speed in TE IIRC)


I haven’t played Tetris Effect, but does the swap-buffer apply as well?

to be honest, I would have to boot it up to check since I’m usually a lazy asshole who won’t try to swap unless I have to and that usually means “oh fuck oh fuck this piece doesn’t work, panic hold”

I thought tetris effect didn’t have infinite spin, but it locked pieces in time with the music, which generously gives you a few seconds of spin.

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This is my understanding – it is waiting for a beat to lock, which may be more or less time. But I wouldn’t be able to tell you if it’ll wait a second beat if you keep spinning it, just that the lock moment always happens on beat.

I recall testing how long I could spin a piece and it always locked on the beat

the game follows standard Tetris guidelines, of which infinite spin and the rate at which pieces lock are defined (half second before locks, lock rate reset per rotation). it certainly doesn’t enforce locking pieces in beat with the music because that would mean every song has inherently different difficulty, which would mess with the leaderboards

now, it wouldn’t surprise me that, even though the game is single player only, it still has a move/rotation limit before lock (guidelines only define a minimum before locks so anything after 15 actions is up to the developer/mode)

I am extremely happy how well this works as a music-reactive gameplay element; it feels a lot more elegant than the scrub bar in Lumines and Tetris wasn’t even designed for it in the first place.

Moving/rotating the active piece and the music created off it is a less tight connection; I think it plays sounds quantized at 1/8 but not 1/16, and moving faster may cue up a different, more dense sound cue but not generate sounds off-rhythm. It doesn’t block movement until beat which I’ve found to be a golden rule in music-locked games. So the sounds don’t exactly match your movement, but they’re suggestive of your it enough that it’s normally convincing.

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How much tempo variation is there between songs, though?

probably not enough for me to notice because I’m too busy playing tetris, dammit

it’s telling that some of the other modes force selection of the TE (like Master)

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The max normal speed is 20, not 15, which looks nearly instant to me, but the speeds before that definitely aren’t.

There is indeed something that keeps you from spinning a piece endlessly (whether it be a move limit or a timer or both), and that lock time/limit gets shorter as speeds increase.

Master mode starts at speed M1 and I’m not sure if it has an upper limit; saw a video of someone getting to speed M29. All the master mode speeds have instant drop, and as they increase you have less and less time to manipulate a piece before it will lock.

I don’t believe piece movement or locking is tied to a beat, and they just manipulate the sounds to play on the closest/next beat instead.

Also, check your settings because I believe the pre-rotation buffer can be turned on or off, and I’m not sure it’s on by default.

I know the max normal speed is 20, oh lord do I ever, just marathon endless tops out at 15 and that’s the last non-instant-drop speed (16 on is instant)

also I’m starting to think this conversation is working towards tricking me into recognizing the legitimacy of T-spins

nice try

This screenshot would be impossible if 16 was instant!

yeah this matches my experience playing the game! I tried doing infinite spins because of course I did and unless I was missing something, you can’t go forever

you people and your frames and your measurable proof

I only play by feeling and a crappy TV


Got 1030 points in Nohzdyve.
There is no punishment for missing eyes, so make avoiding teeth your primary goal, and collecting eyes your secondary goal.

if it’s any consolation, the playthrough of Journey mode I quit out of went as well as my arguments here

immediately after quitting I remembered my TV was set to cinema mode



I thought that I would get bored building an ocean base in Subnautica.

It turns out…

Maybe base building isn’t so bad after all.

To elaborate, the base building is cool and fun because it starts you off with a small set of options for rooms and things that can be built in those rooms. You can make cool stuff really easily with even the basic options. Then you can slowly expand your list of building options by exploring and scanning ship wreckage you find around. It’s a nice way to reward exploration, and it fits well into the whole metroidvania (err excuse me I mean keyring) progression system it employs.