you didn’t imagine it
i think you have to do 5 tricks during a jump to make it happen? like, just spam whatever the trick button is (i can’t remember i probably haven’t played it in a decade)
I have literally fucked up going into a pit spamming jump and getting 10k points on tricks and the fuckers would just not fucking cheer me on
the assholes
yakuza has consumed my life so much I haven’t even allowed myself to process hitman 2 getting a bank heist level
ive been playing shakedown hawaii and having a blast beating all of @Mr_Mechanical 's challenge scores
also i really appreciate how theres 83 little ambient store takeovers you can do and they have like 15 minigames so it never felt old
huge improvement on retro city rampage
im enjoying my scams and flams
I was really disappointed with Retro City Rampage, but maybe I’ll give this one a shot.
did Aria work? all i remember is it feeling like a shallow grindfest without much sense of weight or place (whereas Circle had the former, Harmony the latter and Symphony both). they cleaned up and “tightened” the design to a fault, in my opinion.
good luck, i still haven’t figured out how to
Bloodstained continues to rock and I’m already almost done with it. Great game
i HATED retro city rampage!
I’m going to chalk the osaka castle part of yakuza 2 up to kiryu just being recently critically injured and probably on pain killers for the first time in his life, or something.
and now this cruel and exacting child haruka made me play golf bingo, settling for nothing less than perfection and now is forcing me to play virtual on, a game where you have three weapons but two attack buttons and feel like your moving under water while some indestructible opponent flies around effortlessly
I’m finding that somehow Bloodstained manages to be a mess in a way that I find charming. Then again, I’ve had years now to deal with my disappointment that the follow-ups to Symphony of the Night were on handheld platforms. So it’s possible that I’ve simply lowered my expectations.
I don’t think I would have played Bloodstained if the final version had looked like the early demos. Just now, I had the thought that maybe it’s no different and I’ve just become desensitized. But that’s not the case, it seems. This video addresses it directly (though I had to stop watching it just now when I realized that I was seeing some things I hadn’t yet encountered in the game):
i just got all the trophies in miami shakedown! I think that game was the perfect length i feel satisfied
nothing was actually hard besides finishing all the challenges. i ALMOST didnt do them but i realized you can choose challenges from the start menu instead of running around the world map trying to find em
I’m done with Far Cry Primal now, and overall I found it enjoyable. I still think that prehistory is a an underutilized time period for setting games and something I hope to see more of.
said it in the thread but i just beat bloodstained and got 100% map completion on switch. this game rules
I one life cleared Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros is my favorite Mario game.
One of my favorite games excellent choice
A friend of my partner came over cause she was excited about the fact we have an NES Classic. I was playing SMB with her and, even though she doesn’t follow contemporary games at all, she said something like “I know games are better than this now, but I’m so nostalgic about this game I love it.” And I was like, “No, dude, this is still one of the best games ever made.” And she was like “No, games are so much better now, but I still really like these.” And I got really defensive and it got weird.
it’s weird how that’s just like, a self-evident maxim to some people
Reminds me of a decade ago when I showed my cousin Metal Slug 3 on my 360 and he was like “Why does it look so shitty?” and I was like what are you talking about and it was just exclusively it being a 2D game.
i think a lot of people mistake complexity and graphical fidelity for quality since games have been marketed that way for so long. honestly i miss old games if only because they actually fucking ended and werent games as a service abominations that are 3 times as big as they should be