Games You Played Today Classic Mini

I kind of wish it looked a little more like a chainsaw in action. Maybe it does and I’ve just only ever seen it from my own character’s perspective.

The other day, I went through one of those missions with air strikes on Inferno and managed to survive. That got me a few pretty nice weapons, such as the Plasma Whip S.


It definitely looks more like one from someone else’s perspective. It’s great.

Won Tetris Royale for the first time today. Feels good.

Going around doing post game stuff in KH3. Also feels good.

you need some gex in your life.

everyone needs gex in their lives.

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i have an xbox one x now, so i’ve been gradually trying stuff out on it for the past few days. finally had the chance to check out Ruiner, and i think it’s pretty cool?

i’d expected something of a Hotline Miami clone, but it does more interesting things with the combat. plus, the cyberpunk/vaguely industrial setting is hitting the spot.

edit: oops, i forgot to write something critical. so like, the only thing i don’t love is that it does that thing that so many indie titles do where the cutscenes are “moving comics” or whatever. it’s an effect that i think pretty much never works. i wish we could have cutscenes with stills again.


I’d be curious to pick it up again post-patch; on release there were some issues with the combat control and hitboxes that made it imprecise and fiddly to a degree that made the challenge uninteresting.

For a few years running (since the first trailer), I’ve wanted to make a RUINER-style helmet for halloween but it’s still cost-prohibitive to do it right or too low-res/low LED-density to properly show an image to do it cheaply.


gex = gay sex


It’s me, the player of APEX LEGENDS.

I’m bad at it. I have shot two mans in ten times that many games. The guns actually feel nice so at least there’s that.

I’m ironcupshrug on psn and I’ll never be on when you are.


I should not be this annoyed that the third mans I murdered does not show up in my STATS.


I played NES classic games with Bachelor today. We had a ton of fun. Tried Twinbee first, then Super Dodge Ball, River City Ransom, Joy Mech Fight, and the weird Sumo game.

I’d never played Joy Mech Fight before, and I love it. I was genuinely surprised to find that it’s a real ass fighting game for Famicom. My favorite character is Eye, because they have a full-screen kick that, when blocked, pops them up in the air for further mixups. I beat up Bachelor a bunch but then I got my comeuppance in Sumo. Oh, he also kicked my ass in Pro Wrestling. If anybody wants to play Switch games with me, send me your friend code!


This explains why I was having trouble coming to literal grips. If it now feels less jittery to direct your aim and movement at the same time, I could get into that frenzied combat again.


a tunnel shooter with an awesome soundtrack because crystal method. i dont think i can really pass a verdict on this one, as the scoring is quite complex, or at least seems to be. i didn’t really “get it” and i need to see if it’s me, or if it’s the game. seems interesting at least, and BANGING soundtrack. also clearly inspired by tempest 2000


this is a big stupid game and i LOVE IT. it is a robotron game where you play as bruce willis in a dystopian future and fight the four horsemen of the apocalypse and system of a down videos play in the background, it’s incredible. it has probablys like slowdown (everything explodes) and some shitty platforming bits (platforming in general actually works well, but there are some BAD segments) but whatever, this is awesome


i’ve wanted to play this so long and it’s a bit underwhelming to be honest. i’m not sure what i was expecting. i mean i guess it’s cool in concept but the reefs you build are so ugly and swimming around doesn’t feel good and eehhhh. maybe i just wasnt in the right mood for it.


this is sssooo much better than the first! controls feel so much more fluid, much more humour and personality, and much more variety and flow to the worlds. i can see some people prefering the original as it was built around the core mechanics and just dumps you in non-linear worlds, and this one is a bit more restrictive (at least in earlier parts of the worlds) and has lots of minigames and such, but franky i just didn’t find the originals core mechanics interesting enough to carry the game


this one feels a bit more accessible than last wipeout, which is fine, but as a result all the hovercrafts feel lighter and it just doesn’t feel as satisfying throwing a floating chunk of steel around. it’s not bad, i just prefer the last one, though this one has better options like a tournament. people complain about the tracks looking the same because they are all set in the same city, but i don’t really mind because they look GOOD. plus this is the special edition which has remade tracks from the first two games which adds some visual variety. also it has one of my favourite electronic tracks of all time on the soundtrack. so yeah i like it, but not as much as the last one. i’ll play it when i’ll feel like playing wipeout but not getting my ass kicked


The visual design of everything in Wipeout 3 is so good. Those menus, the tracks. I mean, the HD games are good, but I loved me some Wipeout 3.

I think the best thing I heard about Apocalypse is that it was originally designed to have Bruce Willis be a sidekick, or like, a handler, before they pivoted to making him the player character, but only after they recorded all of his lines. So he spends the entire game shouting at you, directly, as you play as him.


Yeah I love that, it’s a lot of fun seeing how they re-wrote the game around it for the cutscenes. And Bruce always yelling at me to shoot straight, YOU’RE THE ONE WITH THE GUN, BUDDY


i appreciate that your allies in dqvii are abbreviated as “kief” and “mari” in the menus. maribell has a really cool design.

I would never play this game, but I did enjoy watching this guy play it for a little while


Crackdown 3’s campaign is the sequel to the original game I was hoping for. It’s fun and colorful and I’m not sure how anyone could dislike it.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is the natural continuation from Rise of the Tomb Raider and has even more of a focus on exploration over combat and an even greater number of hidden crypts and tombs with environmental puzzles. I like it. Lara gets muddy but her hair stays immaculate and clean throughout. The hair tech is still impressive but after RE2 it’s no longer the most impressive hair in video games.


I’m back on my Agents of Mayhem bullshit, grinding out the last few Trophies so I can platinum it.


I think I’m at the end game of Deep Labyrinth