Games You Played Today: Actress Again: Current Code (Part 1)

Castlevania 4 soundtrack is one of the best. I have to play that game like I’m putting on an album. From level 1, letting the text scroll intro play out beforehand.


The signal to noise ratio ain’t the best, I think the localization is just fine but nearly every text box seems to be 3 times longer than it should be and one of the reasons why replaying the game now has been more enjoyable than it was when I first tried it is cuz I realized I’ve just subconsciously accepted that I am not going to closely read what any of these fucking vendors or kids are saying, I can just click through and whatever sticks sticks and if anything important doesn’t register I can just get reminders from the minimap

(I also find the menus/text in 2D mode incredibly hard to follow, maybe for the reason moneygp stated? I dunno, it is not an issue for me with older menu based RPGs.)


cleared pmd: explorers and i’m really impressed that they smuggled a tragic gay romance into a fucking pokemon spinoff. story punches way above its weight.

lotta good 2008-era forum threads out there arguing about this lol


The best SNES sound tracks are Brain Lord, Super R Type, and Super Castlevania.


I could not agree more

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