Games You Played Today: 358 Threads Over 2

Tim’s Cyberpunk review was not very remarkable except for the sympathetic guilt I felt for how much effort he dedicated to thoroughly exploring such a boring thing, but I did catch a renewed interest in open world game design after watching it. I’m starting to think of “Open World Videogames” not as the Ubisoft model which is impossible to run away from for too long but rather this thing which Ubisoft derives an incredibly boring style from.

Playing the PS2 GTA trilogy has me thinking that the “point” of open world games may really be movement and the modulation, or pace, of movement across and throughout the open world over any other element like shooting or cutscenes. This is why I think GTA got worse and worse the more they seemed to think driving cars in cool ways wasn’t enough, exposing their terribly limited mission design. San Andreas was so expansive that in order to “do anything” in that game, like progress the story to the point you can unlock Las Venturas, the most exciting part of that world, you just drive really fast between mission start points, and you miss out on all the really interesting world detail and strange emergent stuff that happens in the city streets. After SA, with GTA IV, Rockstar neared brilliance once again by deeply simulating physics, which breathed life into the long neglected core of GTA, which has always been driving. The missions, however, constantly take you out of your car, constantly see you walking down alleys, always put guns in your hand that suck to shoot except when they are rocket launchers. It’s literally not worth playing GTA IV to unlock the whole map. Which is a shame because the weight of cars and the density of traffic and all the simulated things around those make for a really great chase videogame. GTA V is a regression in every way.

RDR2 is actually the best modern Rockstar game because they have struck on the perfect pace to constrain player’s movement. It’s a slow game, you lumber everywhere you go, and this sets a pace slow enough that you can’t help but notice all the world detail and crafted scenario work – which is now the thing Rockstar cares about more than anything. If that world interests you is another matter, but I actually think it’s pretty amazing a lot of the time.

I played through Subnautica and really delighted in the feel of swimming, the way technology gauged mobility as well as my ability to explore the world. It’s a brilliant open world survival game, maybe the best I have played. It is also one of those games that artistically uses a low draw distance, inspiring mystery and dread in the shadowy unknown up ahead (and below you, above you; the shadowy unknown floats all around you in Subnautica, terror).

Death Stranding is also a real strong articulation of the mobility and pacing thesis I’m roughly sketching here. I don’t know why the open world videogame has become the formal structure every studio that hasn’t embarrassed itself into shame for not having exorcised its dumb ass anxiety about producing in an “inferior” storytelling medium has chosen to tell its middle-brow prestige videogame stories through. Death Stranding’s plot is what it is, but the story of Death Stranding is the one which emerges from moving across its map at a pace which is modulated by the challenges that make that movement not always smooth. Bumpy. I wonder if there is anything more that open world videogames can learn from Katamari Damacy.

I could probably appreciate the recent Spider-Man game a bit more now, I think. That’s a good game to sling webs in, but maybe there are better worlds with other things going on in them (to see or perhaps to touch) which would also be more fun to sling in.

The original Dead Rising, and maybe its two sequels, seems legible to this idea of the Open World Videogame. Level progression gating your actual speed, and, in a search action way, but also not, the paths available to you either by unlocking shortcuts or giving you the ability to treat walls of zombies as navigable that once would have slowed or stopped you outright.

If I were to keep this going, which I should be able to, slowly, as these games are always very long and I do get anxious thinking I could play other games, then I will play The Evil Within 2 (it has enough people rooting for it as an underdog) and I am interested in grabbing Days Gone while its on sale for similar reasons. Oh and No More Heroes as a tonic criticism to go along with all the worst examples of Open World Videogames.


Tried Gears Tactics for a couple of hours yesterday. Despite the harsh devastated setting, it’s actually a cozy, nonthreatening version of X-Com EU, even on the 3rd-out-of-4 difficulty level I picked. There’s tons of abilities and random swings in the player’s favor but almost never in the aliens’. They don’t even seem to get critical hits. And it seems there’s not much room to rathole into a losing strategy on the strategy layer either, e.g. you can never lock yourself out of any part of the skill tree.

I guess this ought to appeal to me since it removed every element of X-Com that filled my heart with a salty brine of bitterness. But the aesthetic is tasteless (not to mention clashing with the cozy substance of the experience) and the gameplay is too familiar to hold my interest.


yeah, I wound up playing for all of 3 or 4 hours and putting it down, but not regretting any part of that

the game pass experience


It clarifies for me a bit why X-Com and the original FFT felt the need to be so swingy and punishing. The effort of calculating every tactical detail starts to feel pointless unless there’s a sword of Damocles hanging above your head on every single turn.


yeah both of these games go supremely out of their way to make sure nazis are seen as pathetic little pissants who are both evil and extremely uncool. it rules


I’ve had this Pythagoras game in my steam wishlist for ages now but even with steam sales it never gets knocked down to “what it costs to buy on a smart phone” (I am a man of admittedly odd principles). Glad to hear it is at least fun to see the loops working, that was what struck me about it.

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Played One Step From Eden on gamepass. I love this game’s vibe, great character designs and soundtrack. I don’t think my brain is big enough for it though. It’s like a double-speed Megaman Battle Network game where you get a new move every single time you win a battle. During battle, you’re constantly cycling through these moves like they’re cards in a deck, and you have to remember what each move does, aim it, and time it all while dodging enemy fire. I can’t keep up! If the game were like 75% slower I think I’d be pretty into it.


As it turns out this is why I was inquiring in another thread about the MMBN games. I was like “I don’t know if the speed of this new thing will kick my ass too hard”

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I haven’t played MMBN since high school, but I don’t remember it being especially punishing. It definitely didn’t require the intense cognitive load this game does.

I bought a bundle ages ago to play the Blacksad adventure game. It’s a comic where a couple of folks in france tell stories about racism in america in the 50s using extremely racially caricatured

furries. The creators worked on a Goofy Movie! They definitely take a ‘both extremes are bad’ approach to racism in the deep furry south, even if they think the furry KKK is worse than the furry black panthers.

(if you want a furry detective comic Grandville is way better)

But anyway, Microids and Pendulo (the folks who did the runaway series aparrently) decided "Let’s bring dubious racial metaphors to the field of interactive adventure games but with telltale/quantic dream style quciktime events!

It’s…pretty much exactly how it sounds.

Take a look at some of the sights of this interactive…thing:

(that’s paint)

And of course it has a whole bunch of non puzzles, tons of bullshit arbitrary events, and exceedingly signposted deduction mini-game on top of all the usual stuff.


“press B for racial issues” is killing me right now


I was all fucked up because there’s another furry detective game called Backbone and after the last few posts I was like “I could have sworn this was a pixel art racoon”

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That’s on my list! Or well, hypothetically it is.

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This is the pinnacle of interactive fiction


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