Games You Played Today: 358 Threads Over 2

Got around to playing DYA GAMES’ Evil Tonight tonight. I started on Switch, just to see if it clicked, and liked what I saw, so I…switched over to PC so I can look at it on a CRT. It runs at 384x216. Can’t argue with results.

I’ve only logged a little over an hour, but: What a treat to see and to play.

My friend, when you are right you are right. I love all the dynamic shadows and lighting flashes through the spencer mansion windows. I’m loving the slow plodding movement, the very crisp and snappy actions and text/menu animations/confirmations, the highly-lethal Mana feel. The anime portraits + high-spec low-res graphics + CD Quality music and sound effects give it a pleasing CD-Rom2 Showcase vibe. I died like 10 times. I even like the funny dialog.