Games You Played Today: 358 Threads Over 2

re: snkrx

Have you ever wondered what an auto chess is?? Do you like numbers going up and collecting sets of things? Do you like bright colors and overly-cheerful music?

Listen up: this might be the Most Recommendable auto chess there is!

I have played 14 hours of this $3 game (and another 5 on my phone) and I will probably play more!

  1. Don’t have to download the League of Legends or Hearthstone client
  2. Every update has made the game better, not worse!
  3. Single player – aren’t playing against teenagers or streamers who think about auto chess 8 hours a day
  4. No time pressure in the buy phase; take your time making decisions!
  5. Only SLIGHTLY unintuitive!

If you can read this help page, you too can play an auto chess!