Games You Played 20-20 Edition

Did you manage to play a lot of games in the year of face masks and self isolation? I didn’t. Because I didn’t just move once but twice.

Games I’ve seen the credits roll in this year (most recent at top):

It started with the Yakuzas I still needed to play and ended with sprite based FPS games I didn’t really need to play, but did anyway. Maybe I’ll be able to add Like a Dragon to this list, but I doubt it’s gonna arrive in time. Fuck this year. Happy Holidays.


if you wondered about the lack of participation, probably is due to the overlap with the linked topic:

maybe merge this post to it?

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i mean, as far as i can tell both of these topics received the same number of posts (0) in the last 4 hours

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If there’s one thing the 64-game tourney has achieved, it’s that it’s got me to buy far more games than I’d usually buy.

Stuff I played this year (that I hadn’t played in previous years):

  • Timespinner: For an indie developer’s first attempt at a Metroidvania, it’s quite alright. That said, the potential here is so easy to see–the time stop gimmick is good!–that not seeing it realized hurts. It also made me really appreciate the variety, at the superficial level, in Iga’s games.

  • Katamari Damacy Reroll: I’m so glad VastleCania told me about the Switch version; it is such a joy to play, and if it wins the tourney, I would not be mad.

  • SNK 40th Anniversary Collection: I love SNK, but I have to say: their pre 1990 output? Not fantastic. Still, there’s Psycho Soldier, Ikari Warriors, and Crystalis, and the presentation is solid.

  • Romancing SaGa 3: Better than Final Fantasy VI.

  • Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle: Better than I’d hoped, but only just that. Even after I understood the system, it never quite led to an “aha!” moment of pleasure at seeing everything run smoothly.

  • Sonic Mania Plus: Sometimes fans can do good things. Sure, I could be miffed about two thirds of the stages being remixes, but there’s so much here that I can’t. I kinda really want the “chase UFO” minigame expanded to become a full-fledged one.

  • Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection: I now get to play Super Turbo and Third Strike on the regular, and I’ve found out that I’m actually not really good at fighting games, possibly. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch: I have a soft spot for the Golden Sun series, so there’s a part of me that can appreciate games without ambition or imagination or point of view. That said, god, this is absolutely dire.


Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahaha…

And that’s only back through July hahahahahahahahahahaha!

…please send help.


I opened the year playing Monster Hunter World—I think I had just launched into the DLC.

When quarantine first hit, I played a bunch of Westerado and Ys Book I but still haven’t finished either. Got stuck at that vampire boss in Ys with the wrong sword, and need to backtrack still.

With my D&D group on hold and online sessions not really clicking, I got all of them into MHW for a couple months. Eventually they got sidetracked by babies, DOTA, and Cyberpunk, and I’ve been doing the guiding lands on and off aside randos.

My partner is isolating separately. When they grabbed a Switch and Animal Crossing around release I took my dive into that and spent a lot of time with it and a lot of late nights visiting each other’s towns. Still haven’t gotten that dog to play a concert though.

On a grocery trip a couple months in I grabbed the Switch Monster Hunter and over the last couple months have dumped a bunch of time into that fighting and carting beside some of you wonderful people here.

My folks got me the Japanese Kamen Rider DMC knock off today, and that’s been my focus the last couple hours.

Somewhere in there I played through Zelda 1’s first quest twice and restarted the Club as an excuse to try out a hand me down laptop with an amd HD 5000 something in it.

During that stretch where stuff looked in control in Michigan, I made my only game store trip (my only non-essential indoor trip period) and picked up a pair of total BS but thematically related games—Beowulf and Dante’s Inferno—plus a Switch fight stick.

I thought I’d have tons of free time to play games and read and poke at synths, but due to the nature of my job I’ve been even more in demand. Looking at my Switch monthly chart you can see where the major projects hit, and I was too busy not sleeping to cut dragon tails off.