Games That I Hate And Everyone Tells Me I'm Wrong

Hell yeah

All the guns feel awful. They have the right sound effects, but the firing effects and animations are weightless to the point of complete disconnection.

Shooting enemies is annoying and boring. most enemies are bullet sponges without hit reacts even when you shoot their critical spot.

Itemization is AWFUL. There’s some cool gun archetypes, like throwing on reload to make a grenade, but none of them have any interesting effects or synergies. You only start feeling cool and good playing the game once you get end-game legendaries (STOP DOING THIS DESIGNERS)

And good lord the story. Love to be face to face with caricatures who deliver stilted edgy-joke dialogue that tells me to kill X guys in Y area.

It’s an amalgam of everything that frustrates me about ARPGs, without the good stuff