the actual issues are that everything is basically shim-based (Steam officially supports theirs, Oculus stuff needs, and any game that tries to show you a visual representation of your control might be slightly wrong in terms of button placement, but the hardware itself is genuinely good (reasonably high resolution, decent quality panels, it’s probably ~30% better than a PSVR and 10% behind a Vive in my experience) and if you’re used to software shims it’s a fine value
Yeah the visual design has more saturated colors and the simplifications are cartoony rather than blocky/polygonal, which is very much the trend of the moment and not particularly Half-Lifey.
Also I thought the City 17 setting was played out when I played Episode 1 in 2006, so going back to that well is ehhh…
That said I will still enjoy playing any variation featuring that cop flatline noise
what is a shim
yeah but it’s like 1/4 the cost of comparable hardware and it does head tracking without any other gear
them’s the breaks
can I wear the nerd helmet and use mouse and keyboard?
Very noticeable in the green ‘power sparkles’ heading up the power lines towards the tower, you’d never see that color or that gamey a signifier in 2004 Valve. In a post-DOTA 2-Valve, though, there’s heady training in these visualized ability splashes.
Also dammit I was going to hang around a friend’s place to play through the game but I really am going to need my own headset for making a level huh
robert guillaume passed away
Far Cry 5 came with a pretty good level editor.
pretty weird to see all this attention on tactile gun operating porn lifted straight out of the popular hobbyist genre that very explicitly avoids living targets
it’s not the same actor for alyx either, but whoever is doing the new voice sounds like a much closer match
I’m just being finicky, the new actor for eli sounds fine. it just seems like a different personality.
aren’t you doing webdev now
everyone knows web developers aren’t real programmers
A shim is a spacer/thing you wedge in between two other things to keep something in place.
Apparently shim is also an API.
I have no idea which one people are talking about in this thread.
gender obviously, try to keep up here