
valve revolutionize vr game space by developing a wave shooter

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Should have called it Half-Life 3-D.

Thereā€™s another game I keep mistaking this for ā€“ I think the other one is by Inkle and is about translating hieroglyphics?

yeah thatā€™s heavenā€™s vault

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The answer is ā€œall of the aboveā€ according to the website


VR movement with analog stick has gotten much, much better in the past few years, as a handful of small tricks has made it palatable to a large portion of the audience. Valve put analog sticks on their new controller because this has been mostly figured out, and if it tracks similar games itā€™ll be the preferred control scheme unless the player is more susceptible than average to VR sickness.

what are the tricks that make it palateable?

I havenā€™t kept up with it beyond playing the games, but the techniques Iā€™m aware of include:

  • ā€˜Tunnelingā€™ ā€“ blacking out the peripheral screen areas while moving
  • Dropping acceleration curves for movement, responding near-instantly to the degree of stick movement, but within a gentle range. This is the sort of thing Iā€™ve seen tuned over time
  • Avoiding height changes (stairs, ramps) as much as possible
  • Avoiding high-contrast areas moving across the screen while the player is moving (say, bright hovercars streaming by)
  • No headbob or other camera shake (this was known from Day 1, though)

made me think an Invisible Man fps would be kind of cool.


everything about this feels weirdly off-brand to me

like the voice acting sound direction and visual design all feel like another studio trying to make what they think a half life game should be. the combine voices sound all wrong. the sound effects sound all wrong! itā€™s not ā€œbadā€ exactly I just feel like it doesnā€™t have that classic half life atmosphere.

might still be cool though. really donā€™t want to spend an assload on VR gear for it tho

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is the voice that says ā€œall this is my faultā€ supposed to eli? because it sounds nothing like his voice in the original games at all. Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s supposed to be him in the monitor when she says ā€œtheyā€™ve got dadā€ too but it also doesnā€™t look anything like his original model.

also what are the odds that this gets delayed forever lol

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I mean they have a release date. Valve usually releases games when they have a release date. Iā€™m pretty confidant this is going to come out.

As for why it looks off brand, I think this is very much a ship of Theseus deal. Valve has virtually nobody there who worked on the original games by this point. And I imagine all the new folks felt a lot of pressure to match the older work, so you get the sensation that this is a cover of their previous stuff, rather than a continuation.

Because it is.

Still, looks pretty good to me! And Iā€™d definitely get this if I had a VR rig.


yeah it definitely looks good Iā€™m just being a big baby

ugh whatā€™s the most cost effective VR rig to play this thing on I know literally nothing about any of them

Windows Mixed Reality headsets were dirt cheap after they basically trickled them out as HCI toys and theyā€™re still fully compatible with SteamVR and Oculus stuff (the latter with shims)

if you can find a deal on one, Iā€™d still say go for it, I paid like a grand total of $500 for both my Windows Mixed Reality and PSVR headset combined

Valveā€™s own headsets (the Vive and now the Index) have always been fairly expensive and finicky to set up, they arenā€™t really interested in making low-end hardware in this space but theyā€™re good about compatibility

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But is this coming to the Labo VR kit?


oh wow the windows mixed reality stuff is very cheap

whatā€™s the catch tho

as always when valve announces a game, i am excited to enjoy alyxā€™s innovations in future games not made by valve


honestly no catch other than that launching apps from the windows environment into the steam environment &c. gets kind of stupid

buy that, I love mine

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what if I never leave the holodeck :sweat:

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