food, glorious food (and drink)

just wanna say if you find a local burger place that will put a fried egg on your burger, hold onto it with all your might and never let it go


I do this a few times a week because I always wake up hungry


I’m about to try Moutai flavored instant coffee. Wish me luck!


Please report back. I have to know what it’s like.

It came in a disposable cup with two packets inside. One had “milk tea powder” the other had “milk tea fruit”. So if I’m being accurate, it’s not quite coffee and more like yuenyeung. The “fruit” made some kind of non-gelatin gelatinous bits. My wife tried it, scrunched her face and said it tasted like milk tea, coffee, fruit, and alcohol.


Thank you. That’s neat you can get instant powdered yuenyeung, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that anywhere (although I guess when I’ve had it at bubble tea shops here in the U.S. they might be using some kind of powdered mix like that…when I make it at home I just mix coffee and milk tea). It seems wild to also introduce “alcohol flavor” into that equation…like I would understand actually spiking it, but just introducing the flavor for culinary reasons seems like it would get very crowded on top of the already-busy yuenyeung flavor.


There is a local hot dog place that will put one on your hotdog. I mean, they serve burgers now as well, but they started with only hotdogs, and the fried egg has always been on the menu.


my local burger place (…which is literally named Local Burger) does hot dogs too so ive def treated myself to an egg dog

One of their specialties is a corn dog battered in Captain Crunch and dipped in buffalo sauce. In practice it doesnt taste that different from a normal corn dog if you dipped it in buffalo sauce but like it’s still tasty as fuck


Yeah it was like a couple hours after I got up after doing a bunch of my morning chores. And it ruled. It’s still psycho shit

Doing literally anything in the morning before eating and drinking coffee is the real psycho shit

I just brush my teeth first because if you brush them after coffee the acidity momentarily weakens your enamel and the brush is effectively more abrasive, or so dentists have told me.

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First thing I like to do after brushing my teeth is drink a big glass of orange juice


when i wake up real hungry (or hungover), i get a hankering for a bowl of pho ga. most other days tho it’s kimchi, a fried egg, and rice


My friend from out of town was visiting and we were talking about the banana bread recipe in the arcanum manual and decided to make it

It was very good


Got out of class early enough to make dinner and i decided to have a go at this Indonesian salad called “gado gado”. I kind of just took what I liked from 5-6 recipes I read online for the sauce and used up some veg that was on the edge of going bad. The salad itself is cabbage, boiled papas, tomatoes, green beans, fried tofu, soft egg, chives, and fried garlic/shallots. Cilantro flowers on everything because I bought a huge bouquet of 'em at the market on Sunday. Made some somen noodles to have beneath it, but didn’t even need it. It’s very good, highly recommend for a nice summer/spring meal!


is there such a thing as a matcha flavored breakfast cereal? i think that would be good

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I remember getting a matcha granola from Japan once. My wife would be all over this if there were competing brands etc.


there is no finer food to eat after 11 pm than a jamaican beef patty with melted american cheese


I think the only thing that limits the development of this is that people in Japan don’t seem to consume much liquid milk on the whole, or at least, not that I saw…otherwise I think it might be popular. When I went there as an exchange student, my host parents got a box of breakfast cereal and some milk for me in advance of my arrival because they figured I’d like that for breakfast as an American, but they admitted that neither of them had ever bought a carton of milk before, and I never saw anyone else eating cereal or oatmeal or anything like that the whole time I was there. In fact, since I realized that I preferred Japanese-style breakfast food, after I finished off the milk and cereal I just started eating the same food as my host parents for breakfast, and that was the last and only carton of milk I encountered in the wild in Japan outside of a store, although of course there were lots of milk-flavored candies and things and matcha ice cream was very popular everywhere. (This was mainly in Ibaraki but somewhat throughout Kanto…maybe it’s more regionally popular somewhere else although I guess I would be kind of surprised.)

