food, glorious food (and drink)

That sounds so good. I would have to sleep for 3 days after

angry cottage pie before and after getting heat blasted




Saw this video today and the stars aligned as it perfectly matched food I’ve been meaning to use in the fridge

One of the best meals I’ve ever eaten, S+++


I continue to cook up a storm and I’m loving it

Tonight I made tenderloin to celebrate the start of my wife’s recovery after ankle surgery

I went all out and sous vided it, then seared it and braised it in butter with rosemary and garlic

Made a pan sauce from the fond with some red wine and a bit of goat cheese

Roasted brussels sprouts with black pepper, parmesan, and a lil lemon

It was super delicious and it made me feel really good about my improving skill as a cook. And I had just gotten some new pans and knives and it was really satisfying to use nice tools that I had just picked out. I finally replaced the knives I went off to college with!

(sorry for the awful pic, they’re gorgeous in real life)

Oh yeah, and if you ever clarify butter the lazy way and just pour the fat off of meted butter you’re left with a bunch of concentrated milk solids that make the best buttered toast you’ll ever have, truly one of the best simple pleasures


I don’t know what “Beta-Glucans” are, or why (if?) I should be drinking mushroom water, and it kinda tastes like slightly bitter used Dawn dishwashing water…but I like it, it’s good.


Rowdy Roddy Mermaid

Btw whats that extremely cute fightpad thing?


what flavor does everyone taste in the space flavored coca cola

Making mattar paneer (my fav)


My sister is visiting and it’s the first time I’ve seen her in like 4 years so I made chicken and waffles for breakfast and it was fucking bomb


That looks so good. Did you have any fancy maple syrups to match? I remember trying the combo for the first time with some rosemary maple syrup and I’ve always wanted to have that again.

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I just had regular dark/“grade b” maple syrup, no complaints. Rosemary maple syrup sounds delicious though

Chicken recipe adapted from this if anyone wants to follow along at home The 20 Minute Fried Chicken Sandwich - YouTube

And plain greek yogurt was the fermented dairy product of the day so I went with this waffle recipe Greek Yogurt Waffles


Whomst among you has the courage to climb the wizard’s tower




I got some and it just tastes like regular coke with a little bit of cherry or raspberry mixed in. It’s fine, maybe a little better than regular coke but I don’t drink any kind of sweet fizzy beverage more than a handful of times a year so it hardly changes my life


I will pledge my sword to this quest

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I taste (space) vanilla

my partner loves it

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What’s your secret to such fluffy pancakes

Then there’s me

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