Fi-i-re E-mbu-lem

I just wish this game didn’t do that F2P thing of trying to compel you to play every day.

Also I would probably actually spend money if I could buy some badges to add stars to my characters.

and feathers! no idea how you’re supposed to get 20,000 of them if you want to go from 4* -> 5*

On second thought I just looked in the shop and orbs are like way overpriced D: so they keep things I might actually be tempted outta there.

As best I can tell, you have to win at PVP to get any reasonable amount of feathers. I’ve been getting about 1500 a week from Offense + Defense. But that is still like, 13 weeks to upgrade a character. Which is a very, very long time. You can only upgrade 4 characters a year at that rate.

They’ve stopped giving away 2 orbs every day, so I’m pretty much done.

I don’t know why but I never get anything for defense. How does that work

If your team beats someone else’s team when they fight you, you get points equal to their…difficulty rank? If you get multiple defenses in a single week, then your score is whoever had the highest…rank.

But frankly it’s totally random. I’ve had 3 people fight me and lose, and there’s just nothing you can do to encourage this (other than level your team). They fight against the first team on your list, so make sure that is the strongest.

I wish I could know what my difficulty rank is. It doesn’t seem to be a visible statistic. I think I’ve only lost 3 PVP battles (thanks Takumi!)

Ah ok I think I had a v weak team in the first slot. Strange

The Radiant games were certainly interesting, as per every game in the series they introduce new mechanics while arbitrarily choosing what old mechanics to bring back. One nice thing in particular though is that unlike the other games you don’t need to use an item to promote, units auto-promote at level 21! Which is helpful since they throw a million characters at you

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I seem to get several 1000 feather rewards each time they change. That helps a bit.

FYI I think you are tier 4, but I don’t know how you’re supposed to check that yourself.

my id is 3488672480!!!

this is going to be confusing though because my name on there is Momo (i named myself after my cat) but I am not @wonder_momo!! Sorry!!!

I’m not convinced tiers have anything to do with how they classify skill/difficulty, it seems to just be a count of how many seasons you’ve participated in over your “career”.

You can see your own tier by opening up the arena and looking up near the top:


If youse get friend requests from Rylie that is me accept or else.

I’m talking about the number that seems to be between 100-500. It’s the number of points you get for defeating someone in PVP. I can see random people’s number when I beat them, but I can’t see my own and I can’t see my friends’ numbers. I have no idea how it’s calculated, but it would be useful to see so I know what tier of difficulty my team is considered as in defense. Or at least an interesting number, if not useful

I just assumed those were calculated relative to each player like some kind of MMR and not a fixed value.

edit: this post makes no sense but you know what I meant

Huh, maybe. Well, it’d still be nice to see my friends’ ratings, so we could actually determine empirically how that number is generated, or at least get a ballpark.

It seems unfair to make it a flexible value like that, because it means that the better your team gets the harder it is to get any points in PVP. That would encourage people to use very weird tactics, like running a team with one powerful member and 3 level 1 members, or running with characters at a relatively low level, and then making sure they die so they don’t get an EXP at the end of the battle. Seems…counter-intuitive.

what middleschoolers fuckin deviantart did they get eliwoods art from in heroes


@u_u your Roy just turned up on my home screen and gave me a little present :sunny:

@The_blueberry_hill hooray :smile_cat:

@GlamGrimfire it’s the only art I don’t like so far. His eyes are huge.

to be fair that’s basically super appropriate to eliwood, the most forgettable lord

PROTIP: Not sure how obvious this might be but if you go the Rewards fountain or whatever it is you can click the little icon that shows up in the top-right of the menu. This takes you to some weird Nintendo points shop where you can use your achievement points to buy a couple of extra consumables. You might need to link your game to the Game Centre or Google Games or ??-app first. Most important one is probably that you can “buy” 10 orbs for 0 points.

I’m still getting this daily. I only started playing like a week ago though so maybe you only get the present a set amount of days after when you started playing and not after the release of the game that I thought?

My guess it has to do with the semi-hidden Ranking stat the game gives each of your hero. You can only see it at the hero list and choosing to sort them by their “Ranking”. It seems to be based on their current level and star rating?

I’ve definitely seen some weird min-maxing teams going on in the arena. Mostly having half incredibly strong dudes in front and half some way under-leveled ones but being able to cast ridiculous buffs just hanging back. You always have a chance though thanks to the very exploitable AI. Biggest quirk of it seems to be how it ALWAYS wants to attack at least once per turn if any hero is in its Danger Zone no matter how poorly that fight might go. Discovering myself how crucial it can be in some situations to simply move up right next to the enemy and do nothing until they’ve attacked first.