FGC##201Xrd Reload[st] - Now on Steam! (Part 1)

oh man, how intense is the learning process for SAMSHO? It’s difficult to juggle multiple fighting games on top of my preference for single player experiences but this looks too cool to pass up.

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Samurai Shodown should be really easy to pick up and play since it’s predominantly about getting strong single strikes as rewards for good spacing and timing. Even if someone doesn’t like it as a main game it’s probably an easy side game to play.

I’ve been surprised at how positively it’s been received by both FGC types and mainstream outlets. I was a bit more pessimistic about it but I guess the simplicity of the gameflow and the satisfaction of the strong attacks appeals to everyone.

Samurai Shodown season pass is up and is free for anyone, even if you don’t own the game.


Darli canonically the best character in the game?


SamSho seems fun from the fifteen minutes of match footage I have been watching I want to play this but am not going to buy PS+

Real excited to play SamSho when it drops on PC in like, Winter.

To be honest, I expected Gen-An to make the Season 1 DLC considering how prominently he is featured in the Hi-Score Girl anime.

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I was hoping they would find a new weapon to give Wan-Fu to preserve tradition.

pretty much where I’m at, only I’m skeptical that by the time this hits PC it will have the player base to sustain both versions

Soul Caliber 6 is $20 in the Steam Summer Sale

Samurai Shodown seems like exactly the kind of game I want to devote my life to but the netcode is not good and the lobby system is maybe a new level of bafflingly bad. I need to move someplace with a SamSho scene. Does such a place exist? Has to right

Earthquake and Darli are cool though.

Add me if you wanna fight on PlayStation, everyone. My ID is StarBison.

It seems inconsistent in quality and the number of bars shown for connection quality is not indicative of how the match will actually be. I’ve had some really good matches, so the potential is there, but I’ve also had some 3 and 4 bar matches that felt somewhat slow. KOF14 was the same way, where I’ve definitely had fantastic online matches before.

But the lobby system is a real regression from all the great things KOF14 did and I don’t know what happened there. Part of it could be that it’s not completely clear on how it even works (there are two rows of empty slots by each player side but they don’t seem to instantly queue you into the next round? So what do they do? The Manual website isn’t up yet either.

I’ve only messed around with Charlotte and Darli so far. I love Charlotte but that’s because she’s comfortable; all of her moves are still around. I can’t really get a good grasp of how to use Darli’s specials yet, outside of Riptide Pierce (grab) and High Tide (hit grab). How do you use her Blade Surf (236S)? Is it fast enough to punish stuff from a distance? Her far M and far H do a lot of heavy lifting for me.

Gonna try out Yoshitora next since he was cool in 5.

This is a good tip if you didn’t know. When you run you’re typically restricted to doing running normals (or special techniques) until you stop running, but you can press and release Back to cancel the buffer and do any of your regular normals instead.

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Also yes, Soul Calibur 6 is pretty good. All the characters in the season pass so far have been real fun, especially Amy(!).

I didn’t buy the season pass :frowning:

But I got Tira for free when I bought the main game. And I just grabbed Amy, because she’s on sale with the Steam Summer Sale.



I bet you’re looking for ice or cold puns. Come on. Even I know better than that.

Cute and cold have never gone together so easily! Oh, but watch out; her zoning tactics will have you ripping your hair out. Loveable Rimururu is joined by her protector spirit, Konru, as she sets out on an adventure to prove she has what it takes to protect nature. Does she succeed or fail in her journey? Read the first letter of each sentence in this paragraph to find out!

i bought melty blood (ps2)


i would imagine that Next Level Arcade in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, will prob have some SamSho tournaments and get togethers this summer.

i’ve actually never been and been meaning to go for a long time, so that is probably where i will be this summer.

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Yeah, Next Level Arcade streamed some SamSho 7 and 5SP this past weekend because there’s apparently a 5SP scene in the area and they said 7 is being added to Next Level Battle Circuit starting today, so I’ll be checking out that stream tonight. Apparently the arcades owner is really into it too. Wednesday Night Fights is also doing SamSho and Million Arthur (!) today, though I don’t know how big the SamSho scene is there. I’m sure each local scene has some people who are interested in it but it’s practically a new game to modern audiences so I imagine people will have to grow the scenes themselves a lot of the time.

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Yeah, I think that there is a lot of nostalgia for Samsho, in general. And there hasn’t been a new game in the series for a long time.

And then, just as you said, it may as well be a brand new series, to younger players.

On top of all that, again, its a pretty different style of fighter, from most others.

Being a clumsy non-combatant, when Wu runs she covers her head with her shield and apparently this gives her armor against aerial attacks.