FGC##201Xrd Reload[st] - Now on Steam! (Part 1)

This listing of the canonical ages of all the fighters in SFV is kind of fucking with me

I guess the Alpha series took place like 8 or 9 years ago?


the alpha series takes place between 1 and 2, in the late 80s (final fight takes place at the same time as sf1)

cammy being three years younger than karin seems wrong, though. karin as a high school student in alpha 3, and cammy was a brainwashed assassin being groomed as a spare body for m. bison’s consiousness. which is fine i guess, supervillains probably don’t care about child labour laws for their slaves. but then in street fighter 2, which is only a couple of years later at most, cammy is a secret agent for the british military.

it seems odd that rose has a normal human age, since iirc, she was created from bison using the psycho drive to purge all the good from his spirit and become pure evil or something?

this list does at least confirm that sakura’s appearance in rival schools is definitely non-canon though.


If only it were that easy…

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The person lists their various sources in the twitter thread and you can machine translate them to get the gist of it. Seems like most of the SF2 cast have pretty definite DoBs from the manuals and I guess it’s just established that SF1 and Alpha 1-2 is 87, Alpha 3 88, SF2 91, SF4 94, SF5 96, SF3 1-2 97 and Third Strike 98.



how in the hell is alex 17


In SFV at least? It seems the source of it is this but I can’t really make sense of what it says from machine translation:

From what I can decipher from this is seems their theory is that SFV takes place after Rival Schools but before the events of Project Justice? (which may not even happen at all in the Street Fighter-verse since nothing else has referenced it yet)
Sakura’s only involvement in Rival School was that she trained Akira for a bit and that she was wearing her school uniform basically as a wrestler gimmick which she was doing in SF4 anyway.

ok, that’s acceptable. i had rival schools as 99 and project justice as 2000, but that was just an assumption.
sakura wearing her school uniform as a gimmick is a concept introduced in the comic sakura ganbaru, which also introduced karin, so that ties together neatly too.
doesn’t sfv also have akira in the girls boarding school uniform? that only happens in project justice, but i guess alt costumes aren’t canon anyway

If you want to see what the deep end of Street Fighter theorizing looks like check out this blog:

However, there is one last thing to consider, one that could change the course of Street Fighter’s plot and set both sets of stories on divergent paths: Ibuki’s involvement with the Illuminati.

And it’s still getting updated.

Honestly though I am sort of interested to see what Capcom is planning to do with G and his apparent involvement in the apocalypse of the entire universe which most of recent DLC character stories have been hinting at.


sinister ninja mum ibuki in an sf6 would be funny


Tom feeding Alex that horsemeat


Alex is 17 in dog years

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Balance patch coming along with the extra character

The motivation seems to be to incentivize a greater diversity of moves so there are minor changes to every character. Bit hard to tell what it will do to the tierlist, aside from I-No getting a huge buff

SonicFox is very, very funny

So’s teresa, for different reasons

I’m not a fan of this, as I don’t like fighting Anji or his abs!!

Patch is promising, very glad it’s almost entirely buffs, gives me some hope for the future.

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I’m always hitting the throw button immediately after Leo is already behind me urrghhh

Or if I have meter, I try to YRC out of his backstance, but either I go too early and it turns into a BRC that gets counterhit before it even comes out, or I just instantly fail the mixup

Soon Maxwell Powers will be every fighting game announcer voice

Was also one in Tekken Tag 2


I’m upset now that I know that every ad on Japanese TV is voiced by the same guy


Oh man, this guy! He tweeted at me once:

Didn’t realize he did so much other work outside of games. Nice job, Maxwell Powers!