two sequels to hypnospace outlaw coming out
i need to finish hypnospace outlaw but at the time i found it p overwhelming and bounced off hard. we’ll see what happens once i finish critters for sale ( which is great and you should play it )
skywalker saga is baby character action?
The Ninjago movie game (hi, I have a kid) had similar stuff, so this doesn’t surprise me. I guess they got bored doing the exact same series of moves over and over.
This makes me want it and I have no strong feelings about Star Wars outside of podracing
you just know anakin was juggling the kids in ep3 like this
The Toree games + Macbat 64 are beautiful examples of these folks already doing some version of this for a few years now. I have complete faith this will be, at least, better than yooka laylee
Day after the saturn game’s translation came out lol
want to be optimistic
but it’s gonna be tactics ogre with verdana and a vaseline filter innit
Hope it’s an HD-2D auto chess.
the two announced Walkabout tie-ins (this and Labyrinth) are extremely odd to me, I don’t really feel like I see how they’ll gel with that game’s low-poly art style
yeah I’m just never assuming anything but gacha when I hear news like this, especially from squeenix