This would sate my way of the samurai/acquire-jank hunger…Amazing that it’s getting localized…
Unfortunately the suits are only allowing us to pursue the development of Super Yeet Boy.
I wasn’t joking
Having trouble articulating how hyped I am for that. Also felt the sting of being reminded of the Shinobido 2 english DLC being lost to the sands of time/impermanence of digital storefronts…No wait that got resolved by a quick google lol. So glad Vita piracy is a thing.
My biggest problem with Shinobi for PS2 was that it wasnt in 4K HDR, maybe they can fix that now
E3 is done this year i guess
though given that a lot of the streams that happened around last year’s E3 will probably happen anyway around the same time, it seems like it’s kind of an “in name only” thing at this point. but who knows if it does indeed return in person in 2023, and how long it would last after that.
probably no reason to have a trade show largely staged for the benefit of games media when there is no longer much of a media to bother to court
this is one i’d be very excited about if i had a switch. it’s a tenchu spinoff about stealing, rather than killing. i’ve tried to play the original, but the language barrier was too high.
if this port’s getting a translation, that’s great news
“a NBA” is really throwing me for a loop
I’ve seen In Light Of Recent Events and Reaction to but have not run across The Recent Events.
wow dreams do come true
I am going to sue them to hell and back.
Huge news considering E3 is kind of like gaming’s equivalent of Oscar. It’s a very interesting time to be a fan of gaming.
crossover post from one of the imaging topics in the axe, where a fellow SBer shared this gem, tapping into three different domains:
(subtitle: take that, E3)