Egg Blasting Frolfers of the Pacific Theatre (Golf Games)

also been playing Golf Story and i pretty much agree with this assessment. the actual switching between different precision & hit point modes isn’t obvious at first (they’re not in the cute Dad & Son tutorial anyhow) and the actual swinging your ball trajectory around feels a bit clumsy when you also use the same stick for switching between your clubs.
the music is kinda boring but inoffensive (it sort of reminds me of something that would be background music in a Twin Peaks SNES game but that kind of sounds way more interesting and awesome than it actually is)

but this is very charming. i love the half Earthbound half Pokemon Red kinda vibe to it. when you get some shots off, it feels really snappy and i think this might be one of the very few Switch games that actually really uses it’s “HD rumble” in subtle but incredibly satisfying ways. (hitting a putt, hitting the flag and hitting various different shots all feel uniquely different)

i’m not very far in but this might be a good go to for relaxing play times while listening to something else

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