Earthbound on Snexploration 20!! send us clips


unbelievable how much clint hates free speech


On the subject of the battle backgrounds, you can have them as your (Android) phone wallpaper with an app called Abstract Art. Highly recommended.

(please accept this post as an apology for my clip at the end)


listened to this over the last couple of days of taking the train and going to the supermarket. it was lovely and made me feel all warm inside. especially liked the clips at the end. would be nice to have everyone on the forum send in a short clip about a game they love and chuck them all together in a podcast. I did write something about earthbound, but didn’t record it, which is just as well because being an englisher I never really had the chance to play it properly and my memory of earthbound is of having no memories of earthbound and being envious of those who have. still~


Awww, Tulps named his EB crew after our NRA characters <3


whoever did the clip at the end about matpat and ready player one, congratulations on perfectly mimicing youtube robo-voices

unless that’s just your natural accent, in which case sorry for bringing it up


i actually love this idea

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i was trying to go for the detached-informative voice, but honestly i have trouble telling if it’s any different than my normal voice. here’s a normal clip for comparison sake:

also, i checked the rpo wiki recently, and it looks like the reference to sans was vandalism (ness is still on there, lol).

Oh uh that was not something you made up entirely? Wow.

I mean, I’m just shocked at myself for not believing it, honestly. Nothing is taboo for rpo

There was even a post about it today:

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I’m late but this looked like fun