In a nakedly self-promotional move, we’re running a raffle to let one person straight up pick a SNES game for the podcast. RT and follow the twitter account to enter:
So far this has resulted in 0 new followers so really it’s just a great chance for you to pick a game for us!!! I’ll run the raffle this Saturday and figure out what game we are playing. Yayyyyy
The game we’re going to play will shock and amaze you all… A little something that I’m sure none of you have ever heard of. A true obscurity plucked from my private garden…
So I’m sure a lot of people would like to be on this 'cast, but in the interest of time and the respect of our regulars for slogging through all of the garbage to get to this point, I’m going to just cast among the regulars.
@OneSecondBefore had a cool idea: what if we got people to record <60 second long takes on Earthbound?
I think this is a really cool idea. We could put them at the end of the podcast, in homage to the ending of EB, or sprinkle it throughout…or both! And it’s a nice way to get participation for what is certainly our most well-known game to date.
This could be anything: a feeling the game gives you, a tiny memory of the game, what it meant to you as a kid (or adult), your favorite terrible food combination…anything!
You can record yourself using Audacity, or I think this site should work too:
You can send me .wav or .mp3 files, either works fine. Don’t worry too much about quality, it’s just a bit of fun. Just keep it pretty short!
Anyway if I get any interest in this, I’ll put 'em in the cast. Feel free to post 'em here too if you want to share.
@ferrets@haley (hobo told me you were interested in the 'cast, figured you might wanna record something)
So, if anyone is interested in this, just record whatever your 1 minute or less take is on EB and email it to snexploration gmail com