Dish Honored 2: The Assiette of Shame

TBH between the reveal that you can just outright ignore the guy who gives you superpowers at the start and play the whole game normally, and all these cool environments, I’m more interested in Dishonored 2 than I ever was in the first one.

can I still dump a corpse in some rats

only interested for the emergent rat gameplay


This game has bugpunk is that a sufficient substitute?

Hashtag pugbunk


theres really nowhere else this thread can go now is there

so… is anyone playing this yet?

the writing seems real bad compared to the first one, at least so far. just in the first stretch of emily’s first little chapter. there’s hit-scan style line of sight shit going on with the guard AI that sucks big time, to. maybe it’s just a function of the very hard more, and I should stick to regular hard?

yeah, I got this. I was immediately unimpressed with some of the early parts (the writing, the PC performance, the sneaking) but it gets better very quickly, and succeeds in feeling enough less toyboxy than the first.

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What I said in the axe earlier:

I’m playing Dishonored 2 right now but I’m only on the second level. Also I’m not playing stealthy on my first run. I’ll do a pure stealth, no-kill run on my next one though and the game is designed around being able to do that. All of your powers and abilities and combat options have non-lethal variants to them, for instance. So this one so far seems like it’s actually built around encouraging ghost-runs and stuff like that.

Right now though I’m just doing a big old murderfest. It’s fun. The world is wonderfully realized and the attention to detail is striking. The talking heart thing returns and it tells you NPCs secrets, what they’ve done and stuff. Makes it feel a lot more fleshed out, knowing the deeds or misdeeds of all the people walking around each level.

You can turn off each individual HUD element to suit your preferences. There’s bugs and rats this time but the bugs are what you feed your enemies to. You can still possess rats though to crawl through small wall cracks and stuff.

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the only thing I found I absolutely had to toggle off, as before, was the collectible and objective markers. everything else is OK.

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I actually liked how hitscan the guards’ line of sight was in this too (human vision is in fact very “hitscan”) but I’m playing on regular hard

well, in the first game you could lean past corners and they would not see you. in this game they can, which is more realistic but kind of defeats the purpose of that mechanic

you gotta peek faster!

I think it’s particular to the difficulty mode on I’m on

toupsed it again!

Dish Ono Red 2: The Dishwashening! Oh yeah! I heard it’s fucked on PC

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post of the millennium btw

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the level design isn’t incredibly tight but still manages to be very entertaining.

it hits that FFT level of “just as fun as you are overpowered” without trivializing itself.

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Also it has a quick save/quick load function in the pause menu, hit the right trigger to quick save and the left one to load. That’s pretty bad ass for a console game and will no doubt prove invaluable when I attempt a run with no magic/no kills/no alerts.

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boy I wish I had known about that!