i got brown noted by the destiny loading screen when i had e coli

really? because the ranked matchmaking wasn’t… actually ranked in warmind getting redrix’s claymore was just a point of having a four stack and grinding it out so i’m impressed if they’ve improved on that

Bounties/milestones are incredibly annoying. Instead of checking the milestone tab in the director and nav mode in game for milestones/challenges, you have to walk around to vendors for twenty minutes every day if you want to care about them. The pursuits tab is a fucking mess to look at, and I’m mostly ignoring them.

I’m fighting temptation to pick this up because it seems like such a nice palette cleanser after dragon quest sessions.

At the very least the music will balance out

reading your post made me wish that they call Destiny 3 “the fighting temptations”

It’s the right number of background singers and everything

waiting on raid impressions & an idea of how much grinding is required to get there personally

(and some idea what crucible is like now + the return of trials)

Yeah, the masterwork core requirement for infusion + planetary materials sent off a few red flags. Also heard they made exotics super rare again, but have no sort of weighting so when one finally drops for you you’re more likely to get one of the d2y1 exotics you’ve already acquired when they were easy to get.

The soft cap is at 500, the hard at 600. I see no lifing streamers around 510 to 520 today.

I’m worried that even if the raid is good, getting the game late means I’ll burn myself out trying to catch up. I’d love to play some gambit with you all though.

The planetary materials/cores are most likely going to level off as people play because there’s a vendor with rotating stock that does exchanges for different materials. You just check in each day and stock up when the price is good or favors your current surplus. Cores are still pricey because the cost goes up with each transaction per day.

By the end of the Tangled Shore you should already be at the soft cap. I got to 502 with a few hours each night.

nf is 540 so are we guessing 560/580 for the raid?

i think it’s actually easier catching up if you’re a few weeks late, stuff like ib and trials is in rotation and they tend to quietly up the soft cap

Yeah, I probably won’t be getting this for a bit due to money and such, but I want to get back to raiding and such with the crew. We still ahven’t even done all the lairs on PS4 yet.

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Ranked is the same as it’s always been, but what I meant to say was that the individual achievements are things that are relatively tough to pull off, which is why it’s more of a skill check than grinding up the ranked ladder.

Gambit is available as soon as you boot up the expansion which is good, and level advantages are disabled in the mode so you can cling onto your Actually Good Y1 weapons instead of taking a chance on crappy blues you got while levelling.

If the aesthetic from the final story mission is any indication of what to expect in the raid, this might be the prettiest one so far. But I would also be down to do the older raids as well as I still haven’t beaten Leviathan proper, just made it to the final encounter multiple times, and I haven’t played any of the raid lairs either.

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oh god I can feel it

I’m about to fall off the wagon

i was about to fall off but then i thought about having to go back and get sleeper and all must have exotics i’ve missed

i don’t really wanna play this game that much, if i’m playing by myself i usually have my fill after about an hour

This might get fixed in today’s patch but the weekly milestones UI is glitched. If you complete a weekly milestone that rewards powerful gear, it will immediately reappear on the next day. Completing it before the actual week reset will reward you regular soft cap legendaries, not powerful gear, so if you don’t keep track of what you’ve already done, you may waste your time thinking you’ll get powerful gear, when in practice you won’t.

The Warden of Nothing strike is the best strike in all of Destiny so far.

you could just do what I did in D1 and not bother and largely get by because raid encounters aren’t designed around the assumption players will have those exotics

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People have glitched into the raid ahead of time, and even got to open one (maybe more?) chests

I can’t say I’m surprised because one of the story cutscenes literally tells you where the raid is gonna be :confused:

Normal mode raid is 550, prestige is 580.

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I think the Forsaken lore writing is my favorite in a long time.

The absolute best story is unindexed on Ishtar (so, big spoilers obviously) but it’s a choose-your-own adventure in which you have a hallucination of the city in a future where the traveler has been integrated into the vex network. A taken vex mind tells you that it is holding the dreaming city in a time loop to protect Savathun’s daughter, Dul Incaru, and that black holes are the most secure computers in the universe, so Savathun will use them to protect her secrets. In this choose-your-own adventure, you can also play soccer with Eris. But there’s also like, thermonuclear bomb level lore changeups that I am pinching myself about. Ahem.

This shit is wild

Even if you’re not in it for the grindy shooter, I recommend Forsaken the weird epistolary stories you read on a website

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