Destiny Come On Already

Now there’s a hammer.

gjallarhorn 2.0

can’t handle it at all



where’s fatebringer deej???

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hey guys this game is still fun come back :<



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I dang wish ;-;

Did they add matchmaking for raids?

no, it would be a disaster like heroic strikes if they did

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that VoG run was fun & everything but it feels so easy now, kinda miss how brutal it was as a 28/29

I’m in the mood for a skinner box and destiny is kind of one that I’d be interested in maybe

what should I know going in? I haven’t followed it too much

oh shit I bought this at an ENORMOUS toys r us

so that happened

welcome to the family let’s despair together

yeah if you’re on ps4 there’s a selectbutton clan

games pretty dead at the moment but the next expansion is due end of September so things are ~hotting up~ again

Really I never knew I am to join.

i think @ryebot has admin

damn the @ thing doesn’t work if they haven’t posted in the thread

ok! so I am level 10 and working my way through the story

I really like the way the game feels but I still have lingering worries about my abilities to find people to play with, which are apparently solved by joining the clan! so I will do that

the story feels like a long halo campaign where you go to the same spots over and over again and it’s not the best game ever but it’s kind of what I need right now



fuck me