Dark Souls 3 Die Already

you can stream and ask for translation help from the crowd, if all else fails


Don’t you mean King’s Field 11?


So in other words he’s a great director and exemplar for why auteurism is silly!

I’m not sure it demonstrates that exactly. But it’s certainly striking that the precise man thought of as the preeminent auteur in videogaming today is obsessed with not micromanaging his staff – it’s almost the only thing he wants to talk about in this interview.

Maybe AAA gaming is filled with anti-auteurs, who stifle and squander the vast collective talent of their 100+ staff. And the few we think of as auteurs are those that don’t fuck everything up.


Fair-- for what i consider a great director he fits the bill. Striving to let your staff express their personal strengths is incredibly valuable, especially in a collaborative medium like vidcons.

I’m a cartoons enthusiast, especially of recent CN work, and Miyazaki’s words in that article strongly resemble things the creators of my favorite stuff has said. Less “i have a definite vision for this” and more “I have strong influences and an idea of what the end product ought to be, but i leave the details up to my staff”. It suggests a conversation as opposed to dictation and i think that’s preferable.

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spoiler for my upcoming erotic kindle original Void Souls: Bonner Edition

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Even as a solo artist, great work comes from having a conversation with yourself in a sense. What comes fully formed out of inspiration is only a starting point; the real meat is letting what you just created speak back to you and taking it further or making a counterpoint. This is usually called “iteration”, but I like the more vivid word “conversation” with its possible implications of debate, intimacy, tutoring, and so on.

I would add that the strength of Souls enemy design is in their conversation with the player. They dodge, jump out at you, wait a beat to fuck with your timing, turn too fast to be backstabbed, and so on.


DIALECTIC. The foundation of all wisdom.

Some people report that using the Google Translate App to translate photos of your TV is good enough to muddle through the menus.


from software: Still not very good at framebuffers. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2016-dark-souls-3-face-off

(900p UI elements on the bone. Not disastrous, but just funny given their track record)

Any confirmation of hog yet??

So are they keeping any of Dark Souls 2? Only seen one preview video so far but what with going back to the old backstabs, parries, kicking, instant Estus healing and even direct mentions of DS1 stuff in item descriptions like Oolacile it seems like they just backpedalled on all of it. Wonder if it’s because of the backlash from the fans or that more people from the old crew are on this one. It seems to be what the people wanted anyway.

Oh right, bonfire warping from the start is still a thing.

they’ve kept the item that lets you redistribute your stats, fortunately

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I made it this far and I know nothing about DS3 so might be worth keeping it this way, but how’s the music compared to 2?

One of my friends did the Xbone trick and we played through about half the game this weekend. Impressions so far (spoiler-text for anyone who wants to maintain a total expectations blackout before release, but I’m speaking in broad generalities):

[spoiler]- Color palette is muted and controlled, in line with Demon’s and Bloodborne. In retrospect the two previous Dark Souls had an overly bright and varied color scheme which harmed their atmosphere, but this is finally corrected.

  • Map design is the most complex and organic ever. There are so many alternate paths, shortcuts and loopbacks in surprising places. It’s very difficult to boil down these levels into a simple diagram: From must’ve developed a more advanced process for designing them.
  • Greater emphasis on exploration as opposed to boss fights. As compared to Bloodborne, the bosses are easy/puzzley and you can explore for many hours in between being forced to fight one to progress further.
  • Instead, there are many more “midboss” type enemies like the DkS1 hydra, which you can fight or run past.
  • No significant evolution in the combat mechanics. I’m bored to death of sword-and-board, and few of the combat scenarios have felt particularly fresh.[/spoiler]

More varied and nuanced, there are quieter themes when appropriate.



Bamco accidentally released their April Fool’s gag early and it’s kind of amazing


… are they releasing in April purely so they could have that trailer?

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The Edge articles covering DS and DSIII are very positive and give hope. One talks about the technical aspects of running off the Bloodborne engine and having Miyazaki’s leadership again. There is a question hanging over the intent to make this an end-point to the series. I can well imagine taking the concepts and applying them to something sci-fi. Not the most imaginative thought .

Not that I expect otherwise. I’m just concerned that my ageing PC may finally not be up to the task of playing new releases.

dark souls 4: wizardry VII: dark forces 5: praise the nebula