daphnys radioactive inclusion zone

no wonder i like these games

im playing clear sky now, theres no end in sight, so i made a thread


i played stalker for the first time today and i actually think i really like this. its really slow and deliberate and i can take my time walking around things instead of shooting everything ever and the grass is overgrown and theres stupid jumpscares that make me pee my pants

i dont play mouse and keyboard games normally so i have been practicing pressing fucking w to run forward while holding x to sprint and fucking hitting spacebar at the same time to hop around and not die? what is this hand configuration?

pictured: my hands while i try to run and hop and shoot in stalker

i just want people to die when i shoot them, i think my starting gun is actually a straw and i am just shooting spitballs at people with shotguns. but when i changed to the shotgun i got to run and hop and swerve around trees and drop idiots (even though id like walk face first into an anomaly or an angry pig or pack of dogs or radiation after my small victory and big perish)

the voice acting is good, theres SO MUCH OF IT? everyones so fucking talkative like these are some lonely dudes who no one will listen to but me because i keep getting infodumped so hard, they’re just very matter of fact about the paragraphs of information they want to drop on an amnesiac you know because my memory is awesome because im a fucking amnesiac COME ON YOU GUYS LET ME GAIN MY BEARINGS

anyway im definitely going to play more of this. the fact that you’re supposed to move around all slow and sludgey gives me more of a chance to get used to the controls, most games just expect you to immediately non stop perform action moves but this has so much breathing room between tense stressful violence. pacing! A RARITY

also i really liked the silly platforming electricity in the cave i hope theres more stuff like that and i will throw all my bolts into every swishing hole forever

i moved the quicksave and quickload buttons further apart because i accidentally quicksaved instead of loaded in a stupid deadly situation. those buttons are fighting now, they are nowhere NEAR eachother


im venturing into the world of the digital gun

i usually dont play shootmanny games. usually im like ‘first person shooting is the lowest form of conversation’ but this seems so thoughtful, its really grabbed my interest


I thought you were talking about Sega CD stalker at first


those default controls are so bizarre, I bind shift to sprint and c to low crouch (and leave ctrl as regular crouch)


X to sprint is insanity. Fps kb/m controls have basically standardized for a reason



currently feeling at home in the garbage, despised by the wonderful…


i had to make my way around 50 million packs of hungry animals eating the corpses that i desperately looted for meats and breads right before. the hunger mechanic doesnt bother me too much in this game, and its literally just because there isnt a fucking meter constantly depleting. dont show me a depleting meter, just spring it on me, just be like WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR DINNER with a little fork and knife icon and ill take care of the rest, my memories are returning and so is my hunger

im glad other stuff gets hungry so i can do my little nature documentaries between the killing.

im still an amateur nature photographer becuase im FUCKING SCARED OF PACKS OF ANIMALS EATING ME TOO and as soon as they put their nose up adn sniff my ass i bolt. speaking of bolting i love running towards bandits and mowing them down with my newfound mp5, that my brain is desperate to remember as an mp4, so if i say mp4 from here out i mean mp5. it has 30 bullets and fires automatically. liek dont get me wrong i love the shotgun, i had to use it to sprint around a rusted helicopter to kill a bandit leader that was invading bes’s base the garbage. and i feel a synergy, a connection to garbage and those who appreciate it so me and bes(T FRIEND) are tight now

when i first walked up to bes’s scrapyard veronica was like ‘look up that ladder and shoot the crates’ so i did and i got SHOWERED WITH LIKE 39483985903590 BULLETS!!! I HAVE MORE BULLETS!!! i have so many fucking bullets and im not going to waste any of them on dogs that are minding their own goddamn buisiness. i really wish the dog faction thing actually made it into the game so i could gain measurable respect with the dogs but now i just have to RP it. the dogs love me, i am the garbage dog friend

i got a little respect now so people dont act like they’re gonna spit on me when they talk to me cuz im good at killing and getting objects and bringing them back. i can kill dudes and get objects and bring them back all day, as long as theres dogs to look at. its not about ‘can you pet the dog’ its about seeing dogs act like fucking dogs. if i shoot one of a pair the other whines and runs away. when they’re alone they leave you be but if you’re stomping around with a gun they’ll bring back a huge pack to kick your ass for being a dick and walking right through their turf. like 9/10 i have compeltely avoided killing animals because i literally respect their boundaries, like real fucking animals! like i would REGULARLY. also like how much i get other things to help murder for me. like im not out here killing everything im supposed to i want them to fight amongst eachother to increase my chance of survival, LIKE I WOULD IN THE FLESHZONE. its a role playing game. its skyrim

bonus heres my funny shadow dancing around

excited to kill bandits fuck loot and marry more nature

oh i love all the AI in this game. i like how sneaky all the human enemies are, there was a guy circling a tank and i went ‘oh, hes doing the same thing as me’ and i circled back and HE WAS ALSO DOING THE SAME THING AS ME STILL but i got the draw on him. veronica kept saying ‘whoa, quick draw daphny’ thats right. i can be a killer. i just dont like to talk about it. only the dogs know


im getting better at stalker and its making me nervous!

dont think ive forgotten about my nature photography though. look how exhausted those dogs are, its a hard life in the zone

i forgot to update right after i played last time so i just wanna list off some quick highlights

ive been getting more stash locations off of bodies and friends, so ive been retracing my steps a lot back to areas that scared me so bad the first time i went. like this is the area where i had to fight so many goddamn bandits with my stupid pea shooter but now i have some special AK AND a gun with a scope AND silencers AND a stalker suit AND a better grasp of the claw controls and i fucking snuck around the perimeter picking people off until they figured out where i was so i threw a grenade and then ran to the other side of the bandit camp and just mericilessly shotgunned/knifed the rest of them. at first i thought the hanging skeleton was a message for me, but its really a message for them

before this last session every gunfight id get into id be filled full of bullets, lamenting how inobservant i was of a guy who should have been obvious to see, but now… now nothing can touch me
well unless its a fucking LAB BASE FULL OF MILITARY MEN. those fucking corner bastards in the tower CONSTANTLY spotting me before i could pick them off (this is pre scope toilet. im toilet). and like the little packs of idiot bastards were SHIT TALKING ME NON STOP WHILE THEY WERE COMING FOR ME. AND ITS LIKE FUCK YOU??? IM ONE PERSON IN A JUMPSUIT YOU ARE THE FUCKING MILITARY MAYBE BE A LITTLE LESS COCKSURE SINCE YOU’RE ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE ANYWAY

there was a SIREN GOING OFF CONSTANTLY thats loop isnt quite fucking clean so theres a little break between siren wails which IS KINDA WORSE THAN THE SIREN ITSELF. so i was really proud when i made my way up to the roof and whacked the fucking bell and shut it the hell up. this may have been the most satisfying moment in the game after making it to the bar and finally being able to sell all my shit that i found

so ive met the duty guys, made it to the bar and the games kinda open now. i got all these sidequests (that veronica gave me a mod for so they dont expire in two days, i can do them whenever), so im cleaning out my quest log a bit, but next time i play im gonna tackle some more of the main story. first though i NEED MORE BULLETS!

some say the true anomaly was the pac man metal siding the whole time…





started to have a moral quandry in stalker, sid, the bastard wanted me to kill a guy for charging too much for slinging shoddy product in his name… but like, is that something worth dying for? and while i was thinking about that

already bummed from killing the cutest dog ever


his name is grip. was grip. until i had to clear out their nest for fucking TOURISTS. ugh, i felt terrible! im never killing a dog again

and then i see these guys cuddling while hanging out with the aliexpress of the zone, and i just have a change of heart, i wish them well after listening to them tell jokes for a bit and MOVE THE FUCK ON. i tell sid heres your fucking dead dog quest but im not killing your guy. and its amazing that i can do that! ic an take a quest and then be like ‘actually no’ and the npc calls me a name or something but its not marked as failure. its just gone

in celebration i went for a nature walk to take a picture of the sights again

i noticed some of the dogs have limps

this was the only picture i could get of like a fourty mutant feud between like three packs of dogs and ten hogs and a pair of pseudodogs and it was so fucking chaotic animals were being thrown like 25 feet into the fucking air, but i also had to KEEP RUNNING AWAY FROM A HUNDRED FUCKING MUTANTS HOWLING AND SCREAMING AND TRYING TO KILL ME so i couldnt take pics, also i just… wasnt ready for them to explode like they popped out of a pinata like that, i was stunned!

so i decided fuck it if i dont have to kill the fence then im not killing a deserter hiding in a rusty train car shivering in a corner full of self loathing. desertion isnt a fucking death penalty either and also like FUCK DUTY anyway, im only trying to stay in good with them because i like hanging out at the bar, and ive done a bunch of other of their jobs that dont involve killing someone for not wanting anything to do with that faction anymore

the rusty train car was funny though because i thought there was like radioactive miasma gas everywhere that i had to platform over and not fall into otherwise i die of bone disintegrating cancer
but it was just water, the water just LOOKS like a gas leak but its totally fine


i guess i should post about stalker again so i can fuck off and play more stalker

half life 3 isnt coming out because gordon freeman died in the zone sorry everyone

not pictured: me behind the camera yelling 'YOU get out of here stalker!!!"

all of a sudden theres these fuckign columns of FIRE that i have to dodge constantly? the anomalies are getting more and more evil as time goes on. i really like how they’re easier to see at night, it just adds to the scariness of the place, like everything else has an advantage on you at night but at least you can see the spot where you’ll get sucked into a bloody mist explosion easier

i made it into lab x18 and was freaking out because shit was floating everywhere and then i started grunting and getting fucking injured and OH GOD ITS GETTING THROWN AT ME i kept getting fucking pelted with pelvises and skulls and coffee cans and its like cant you just let the dead die in peace why do you have to continue to use their body parts as weapons OH BECAUSE YOU’RE ALL EVIL SCIENTISTS AND I HATE YOU

i killed a PSEUDOGIANT!!! which has a whole foot growing right out of its ass. imagine being able to eat ass and toes with the same mouth at the same time, im sure thats someones dream. i wonder how much ass eating rule34 there is of psuedogiants. well theres none but theres sexy snorks and a million horny bloodsuckers

look at his happy face. OH IM PLAYING ON STALKER DIFFICULTY NOW but wandering around this arena that the first pseudogiant was in, i was realizing how much different the fight probably would ahve gone. like when i got there i magdumped in his foot-ass while he was chewing on the corpse that held my documents and then jumped on a box when he ground stomped then shotgunned him in the face but there were like stairs everywhere and red barrels and if he had any more health things would be a lot more desperate. but i dont need to find that out because normal difficulty is FUCKING HARD AS SHIT. I BLEED SO MUCH NOW, I MISS MY COAGULATED BLOOD

after killing the psuedogiant i finally found the bastard source of all the flying bones and buckets which were these SPOOOKY PURPLE ORBS that when you shot they turned into a goofy sad legless guy

like are you kidding how did that face cause me so much misery

oh becuase there were 50 of them

I LOVE HOW MUCH YOU DONT HAVE TO FIGHT ENEMIES IN THIS GAME!!! i love that i can just watch whole packs of Red Highlighted Dudes with machine guns and NOT HAVE TO WORRY because im going a different way anyway, why waste your bullets on everything that moves when armored military men with helicopters are coming for your ass

oh my god i wish i could avoid snorks how every other mutant seems capable of! i was trying to talk to kruglov about his grand mission to experiment on everything in the world in order to shape a better future with bigger labs for more grandioise experiments, but while i was telling him that even freedom wanted nothjing to do with his vivisecting ass I GOT JUMPED BY THREE SNORKS
and when i say jumped i mean jumped they launch themselves like 30 feet to kick and scratch at you and they stay low to the ground like they’re breakdancing badly so they can be super hard to see with all the fucking bushes everywhere

every single one of em has an exposed spine, and they have no lips either, its a really cool gnarly model. after the conversation with that ecologist dork we had to take some readings so i could make a helmet to protect me against the evil brainwaves that turn everyone into fucking zombies. yes there are zombies now, and they shoot guns, just spray bullets wildly and when you kill them they weep for their mothers. very normal shit going on, very USEFUL experiments that im SURE are deepening our understanding of humanity. nothing luring the unsuspecting into becoming sick experiments for twisted men or anything. nothing weird going on at all

so WITHOUT any help from kruglov, who spent our entire mission prone and shooting at a zombie who was just wriggling on the ground in pain, missing every single shot from point blank, i cleared the area so he could take his stupid reading so i could have a mask that would keep me sane. which i really needed cuz well

i went further into x16, and like everything outside of it still kinda looked human, even though this was the first time in the game ive seen people scorched and dismembered and lifeless bodies draped over pretty much every surface, but they were still recognizable as human

as i got closer to the horrific weird brain vat system i was supposed to turn off to get more readings all the faces were twisted in horror and pain. the evil was stronger here

even the sky was full of static

i had to do a timed bit that, really wasnt too bad because every time i turned off a generator they refilled my time. and i just had to kill zombies while running from generator to generator and going up stairs. i still hate timed segments! just tell me to hurry! i can rp my own anxiety JUST FINE THANK YOU


after those two horrible fucking labs and them sending in the MILITARY HELICOPTERS, MAKING IT UNSAFE FOR ME TO WANDER EVERYWHERE i was like fuck this and took one more visit to the ecologist bastard to buy something ive wanted since i got to the bar… ever since ive seen those pants and shoes ive needed it LOOK AT THIS THING


so thats what i look like now on my next foray into the ZONE in my SEVA suit. gonna finish up some sidequests and then continue heading north… looking for strelok… hanging with freedom. i paid em a quick visit just to do a sidequest to get rid of bloodsuckers but i didnt know itd mean spending a whole hour in a fucking abandoned shantytown shooting down endless screaming invisible enemies. BUT I MADE IT. IM READY FOR MORE STORY

i havent been talking a ton about the meat of the story cuz i actually think the mystery is fun to uncover and if you want to play the game i dont wanna ruin the mystery! look at these mysteries

mysterious tunnel

mysterious toes

mysterious eyeball

mysteriously tame dogs

mysteries all around us… in the zone…



actually they do this in the two sequels unfortunately as well and it’s soooo fucking stupid


CANT WAIT!!! :cryingpig: :cryingpig: :cryingpig: :cryingpig: :cryingpig: :cryingpig: :cryingpig: :cryingpig: :cryingpig: :cryingpig: :cryingpig: :cryingpig:


Here is something. In most stalker mods, the cut cat mutant is like a hostile lynx type thing that acts very similarly to a faster psuedodog, but inexplicably in New Arsenal 7 they just roam around meowing because they’re friendly and invincible to all stalkers. It’s very cute. There is currently a pair living in the rookie village!!


guess whos a true stalker
guess who got the good ending (okay i had to look up where the fuck the secret door was away from the wish granter but like come on!!! that was the second time the whole game i needed a walkthrough! AMAZING)

AND IT WAS AMAZING the story of this game is really good! i mean its fucking evil but ITS SO WELL DONE. and it lets you THINK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED instead of spoon feeding you anything

AHH OKAY well ill just post pics and talk about them because im just really excited about this being one of my favorite games ever now

whenever you pop someone in the head, which you have to do with everyone once you get north past freedom cuz they’re armored to the TEETH in exosuits, they do this like little 'ah!" jump, and then crumple, and i really felt like a pc gamer when i found myself taking pictures of funny little men in their death poses

the like, second guy i met in freedom wanted to eat me but THESE GUYS RULE. we went on a little mission together. and every single dude on my team made sure to LOUDLY BE OUT OF BREATH IN MY FUCKIGN EAR ONCE WE STARTED OFF which i thought was canon because they said 'well we might as well do something!" so i figured they’ve been kind of sitting around a bit being lazy while kind getting whittled down by those duty assholes. also before we took off they made fun of a guy for always CHOOSIN THE REAR and everyone had the exact same ha. ha. ha. ha. ha. ha. laugh it made me reload my game like five times so i could hear them laugh homophobically. but look i get it all men are brothers, we gotta keep up appearances while our guns are out so we can cry with our jimmies out, or whatever men say. they say that right? about jerking eachother off? thats normal right?

admittedly i first got into freedom because THEIR LOGO IS A COOL FUCKING DOG but they also had the best quests and the funniest dudes and the best vibes and like. also. ALSO those duty fucks went off non stop about how they gotta clean out the zone of freedom and mutants and shit but the real fucking threat are the monolith cultists in the north and guess who holds the barrier GUESS WHO ITS FREEDOM. I DIDNT SEE A SINGLE FUCKING ‘DUTY’ ‘’‘‘OFFICER’’‘’ ANYWHERE NORTH OF THE RED FOREST. THAT PLACE IS CRAWLING WITH MUTANTS. DUTY MORE LIKE SLACKY

wolf lived in my playthough! apparently this is rare. be jealous all you want because my wolf rng may have been amazing but i didnt see a fucking spsa-14 shotgun until i got into the power plant, and i never even saw an f-2000 or a vss vintorez!!! i was using my silenced viper until i accidentally threw away all my ammo when i was getting rid of my handgun ammo, because i picked up a handgun that used rifle ammo, big ben. i hate the name of that gun, but i like the way it made people stop moving

getting rid of piles of fucking junk feels so great. and i mean it fucking better considering theres TONS OF IT THAT YOU’RE CONSTANTLY VACUUMING UP. my pristine ffxiv inventory made me BORN for this kind of organization

also i played a game in like 2009 based on the stalker inventory system so the thing i knew MOST coming into the game that a core mechanic was managing your carry weight. I USED A MOD TO UP MY CARRY WEIGHT and im pushing it down a bunch for clear sky. by the end of the game i was pretending i had less and less inventory space and sifting through things more and I LIKED IT MORE so im actually kind of excited to be mechanically limited more in clear sky

once i cleared out 25 devout monolith murder-cultists at the barrier, with FREEDOM, not DUTY i had to head north through the red forest. guess who didnt take any pictures because they were RUNNING SCREAMING TERRIFIED THE WHOLE TIME. guys were kicking red barrels at me and shooting them, a horrible brain wave was hitting my head making everything fucking blurry like every minute and i was ALSO BEING CHASED DOWN BY GHOST BOARS AND GHOST BLOODSUCKERS WHO WOULD JUST MAKE HORRIBLE NOISES FLY THROUGH ME AND DISSOLVE. i dont even know if they took my life but it felt like they took my soul

the further north i ventured though the more the environs warned me away, a very clear message was being sent


okay back to the horror

it was just non stop fucking heads on pikes at this point, every single car was radioactive but it was less of a risk than going through the actual forest. i got inside the base, killed a million more monolith and goddamn bloodsuckers and FUCKING SNORKS OH MY GOD I HATE SNORKS, and i finally turned off the brain scorcher. which REALLY felt like it was starting to scorch my brain

not as much as this guy though

after that, i got a message that my allies were headed north through pripyat and that i can meet them which in videogame terms means SELL YOUR SHIT THE CONCLUSION IS COMING. which i did, i ran back to the freedom base to sell skinflint some stuff

i respect skinflint a lot because an arm fell on his head. it takes a lot of guts to come back from something like that. BUT THEN DUTY ANNOUNCEMENTS WERE PLAYING AND IT WAS ALL DUTY GUYS EVERYWHERE and i was so terrified duty finally made it up north and gunned down all my homeboys BUT NO I JUST WENT EVEN FURTHER SOUTH TO THE FUCKING BAR. BECAUSE I PANICKED AND TOOK A WRONG TURN GOING SOUTH BACK THROUGH THE RED FOREST. CAN YOU BLAME ME??? ITS HORRIBLE THERE. sold my shit for the last time, made sure i only had the ammo i needed and tons of antirads and finally headed for the hotel in pripyat to find the door decoder so i could get to the secret exit at the sarcophagus. i dont trust these ecology fucks and their machinations farther than one of their failed experiments can throw me, which isnt far becuase im weighed down with 4000 bullets

HAHAHA HOLY SHIT IT WAS REALLY TENSE I DIDNT TAKE ANY PICTURES OF PRIPYAT OR THE HOTEL OR THE STADIUM OR ANYTHING. oh man i almost threw away a sniper rifle but when i got to the stadium and there were THREE MONOLITH BOYS STANDING ON TOP OF THE BLEACHERS WITH RPGS POINTED RIGHT AT MY HEAD i thanked my past self for picking up the sniper rifle again after i rage tossed it for not hitting a guy in the head the first time i took a shot. well this time i hit three guys in the head, so there.

pictured me getting hit right in the face with a rocket earlier learning my lesson to not take dudes laying on the ground and looking directly at me from a rooftop lightly.

after the hell of rockets and snipers and RAIL GUNS being shot at me from every angle the fuckers were gonna put off an EMISSION, killing literally EVERYONE OUTSIDE in five minutes. can i have a chance to like, fucking breathe please? anyway i start sprinting and panicking and hopping and screaming until i get into the plant. and the timer stops. and its fucking QUIET, which i know i just said i wanted a chance to breathe but not like this ITS HORRIFYINGLY QUIET NOW. and then a fucking voice starts. ONLY ONE WILL BE REWARDED. YOUR WISH WILL BE GRANTED SOON. COME TO ME

what the fuck is this sexyman!! get out of my head!! i know you’re just distracting me on the road to TRUTH i found my secret documents in the fucking hotel! i have my decoder!! IVE MADE IT OUT OF THE ZONE BEFORE

also this entire time i was playing the game in ukranian. and when the wish granter started talking it was in the normal dialogue but then for the first time the game fucking said shit in ENGLISH in the same VOICE


which freaked me the FUCK OUT

the strange glow… calling to me… BUT I CANT GIVE IN. MY WISH IS TO RESIST YOU BASTARD. so after looking directly into temptation

and then platforming the FUCK AWAY i found the secret door leading to the generator room, which was a circle of indestructible (well at first, i forgot to switch out my armor piercing monolith shredding rounds) generators creating an illusion of the wish granter. because its A FARCE you see. ITS A TRAP. its an EVIL PLAN to enslave people itno a cultist army where they do nothing but worship the wish granter itself. every time id blow up two generators a stupid fucking firegeist would come and id have to run around in circles screaming and shooting til they exploded in gibs nad let me shoot more generators

after finishing this a scientist came out, confirmed all my worst fears about what they were doing to people and then were like ‘hey would you like to sleep in our psychic tubes forever feeding off the worlds unconcious until everyone is dead’ and i was like ‘nah’ and they were like ‘fuck you’ and shoved me out the door without any warning or word back outside the fucking power plant

post emission, so all those soldiers and helicopters and rocket launching men who were trying to kill me were just completely insanely dead

and it was the wrong kind of quiet again. just the sounds of distant fires instead of people calling me slurs and shooting at me, i almost wanted that instead. AND EVEN THOUGH I DENIED THE WISH GRANTER MY WISH FOR MORE BLOODSHED WAS GRANTED AND ONCE AGAIN I WAS SCREAMING AND RUNNING AWAY FROM EVERY MONOLITH BULLET TO FIND PORTALS??
like the scientists kick me outside to a fucking portal maze where i gotta platform on shit and tightrope on tiny rails to find portals that spit me out TWO INCHES AWAY FROM MORE MONOLITH MEN SHOOTING AND SCREAMING AND FIRING LASERS AND ROCKETS AND SLURS UP MY ASSHOLE NON STOP. i cant even kill them all, sometimes i just have to bolt and hope for the best

and sometimes they’re so busy praying that they forget to shoot at you. i quicksaved right after seeing this guy though which means when i reload YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY SEEN and if you look at his back you can see what he had a direct line of fire to me with. tragically i quicksaved because i was ordering dinner for the night so veronica had to rush the bastard and save my ass (i helped by using a medkit I WAS SO CLOSE TO PERISHING). teamwork! it was a tense moment

i eventually got through all the fucking portals, all the gunfire, all the rotten attempts of hubristic sprinting that just led me to bleed out on the ground

i took one last look at the generators and moseyed on through the last swirlie hole. came upon the very tubes that i was invited into, the tubes of subjugation to only carry out tasks for the fucking ecologists, the tubes creating a field destroying the earth, disrupting natures balance,

also those bastards were so sure i was gonna say yes that they had eight tubes. when the dude tries to convince you to go in he says there’s seven people in the tubes but makes up a lie about ‘oh people eventually die so can you go in the tubes too’ implying that the machine is complete with seven people BUT THERES EIGHT TUBES. THAT EXTRA ONE IS FOR YOU

i imagined the horror of a future where they were successful and did what i had to do

later i was in a field, in broad daylight, laying in bright green healthy grass, looking at a dragonfly. i had my life, and i had my quiet, so i took a nap

and i wasnt attacked by anyone with guns or mutants or anything

tl;dr i went through the red forest, met freedom, went to pripyat, got the documents, went to the pwoer plant, GOT INTO THE POWER PLANT UNDER A SCARY TIMER WHILE HELICOPTERS SHOT AT ME, fought 39048348957348957483 monolith armored bastards with ROCKET LAUNCHERS and RAILGUNS, was tempted by a sexy voiced wish granter, avoided temptation, fought 100 more fucking guys where they had EVERY SINGLE ADVANTAGE of the area, learned the truth, took a nap




congratulations stalker, there is a drink waiting for you at the bar!


i wont just stand here, ill come in!


stalker mods especially in the russian scene very quickly evolved into “fuck you if you aren’t an Expert” like i’ve played mods that change sidors opening dialogue to be taunting about how youve played the game 30 or 40 times and now your going to get fucked in the ass. they are all about filtering people out. narodnya solyanka, people soup, infamously starts off with THE CAVE which is a bizarre maze full of huge pack of mutants you have to go through before youre allowed to start the real game. it’s ridiculous. the latest incarnation of people soup is called OP 2.2 aka cumulative pack 2 and it’s like 800 hours long and when I play it i regularly get into boxing matches with 50+ zombies in the first fucking level and I have to hide my stashes out of bounds or NPCs will steal everything in them. multiple enemies can be only be taken out with grenades or headshots and the manual is like “when you need to hit a tiny bunch of ‘special forces’ in the middle of the head at medium and long distances just try shooting more accurately and enjoy the exciting shooting gallery!”. the mods ending, where you get your ultra loyal russian wife to marry you and leave the zone, makes sure to call the player mentally ill for getting that far

It changes the military guy under the bridge in cordon to be an invisible guy who kills you with a predator plasma caster if you don’t give him vodka bottles. naturally the game punishes you for killing him, metro really is the inheritor to stalker in that the entire dev team left to form 4A and its morals seem to be very common in russian mods. and yes the cave is still in it but its a lot easier now because everything else is harder


even stuff like OGSR which is still just shadow of chernobyl with extra shit, still has stuff like a guy outside of sidors bunker who accosts you at the beginning of the game and if you arent rude to him he determines that youre a pussy, starts calling you boy and charges you 3000 RU to see sidorovich every time you go there. it reminded me of a russian fallout 2 mod I played once where if you try to play as a female character this guy who teaches you russian outside of arroyo kills you instantly and you have to restart as a male character to pass him