Comic Books, Graphic Novels, Sequential Art, & you

I think i’m gonna read a bunch of Pogo, the lineart and dialog are… a lot



i admit i dont read a lot of modern comics but i read batman 900 today and he is LOST IN THE MULTIVERSE chasing an EVIL GUY WHO PRODUCES JOKERS WHEREVER HE GOES, so he meets michael keaton batman, the arkham games batman, adam west batman, tas batman, batman beyond batman, frank miller batman… its all fucking back to back like the most grotesque fan fiction imaginable and like GOD even i would’ve been embarrassed of this shit when i was like 10 or 11. especially because child me read the grant morrison storylines hes poorly ripping off

batman also gets disintegrated like rorschach in watchmen in the snow to start this storyline in case your a fucking idiot, in case your a moron, in case your a little baby who starts clapping when you see things that you recognize. naturally this comic is getting tons of praise for being EPIC and REDEFINING WHAT THE JOKER MEANS TO THE DC UNIVERSE

literally the only thing that could be worse is if this was written by the ex-CIA guy who comes up with stories first and then lets his bosses and/or a literal child choose what characters he uses, and all of his stories are about PTSD (war crimes variant). luckily i only know about him by reputation and interviews because im stupid as fuck but im not reading any of that shit

man i wonder if morrison had a point when they made that whole ass comic about how comic writers constantly mine the past and cheapen it instead of being inspired to build on top of it. youd think the batman guy would have read it with how much he loves showing you that he read comics from 20 yrs ago.


Holy shit, it haven’t bought an issue of batman in 400 months and that’s making me realize how fucking old I am.


33 years!!!

ahh the good ol days of Batman being a fascist moron who beats up communists for the CIA who regularly says shit like “I only use violence when its absolutely necessary, not as a form of punishment…not lately anyway!!” like I just read a storyline from back then where he finds out that he’s been beating up poor people too much and failed to notice that wayne enterprises is experimenting on homeless people, and it ends up with fucking everyone dead and paralyzed bruce wayne in a wheelchair while gordon is chewing him out for acting insane. Half the issues involve him constantly asking him what happened to robin (jason todd is dead at this point) while batman just ghosts, and barbara is in a fucking wheelchair too because of the killing joke. its pretty easy to see why people liked frank miller batman when it was new because holy shit everything contemporary to it is fucking rough also miller’s all star batman and robin (2005) is one of the funniest batman comics ever, not relevant to this conversation BUT STILL

Anyway like a year or two later they redid paralyzed batman storyline in Knightfall, there were like 12 ongoing batman series in 1994, and its only gotten worse since. You did the right thing


i’m glad i’m not the only one who recognises all the dark multiverse stuff as a corporate attempt to “do a morrison”, but without any writers close to morrison’s talent level


this batman arc literally brings back morrison’s version of zur-en-arrh batman from RIP, which is no longer a creative reinterpretation of a funny silver age story but now like pure creative bankruptcy that he can just pull out of a box whenever he feels like it with accompanying discount frank miller narration

i forget what fucking book i was paging through but i saw this and just let out the deepest sigh like literally every writer at DC can’t help but be a shitty grant morrison. it’s ridiculous too because morrison literally wrote multiversity and gave writers a billion new earths to play with before the mandatory 6 month dc reboot


Yeah, the Knightfall issue introducing Azrael-Batman was the last actual issue I bought aside from weird separately numbered mini-series like that Sam Keith werewolf one, the Spawn crossovers, and DKR2. I borrowed that Paul Pope trade, and bootlegged as much as I could take of All-Star. Oh and it doesn’t count but I read a bunch of Holy Terror in the store which kept me far away from Master Race.

That Batman RIP run always sounded kind of cool, with bringing in characters from Batmanga and whatnot. Was that Grant Morrison?

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yes. i think you are talking about batman inc though which is also part of morrisons run. you can get an omnibus of it now

you gotta admit that the green lantern issue is fucking amazing though


Ohhh I didn’t get that far with All Star. I’ll give that another look!

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also batman having awkward fully clothed sex multiple times is a lot funnier of a joke in all-star now that other writers have done this unironically multiple times with him fucking catwoman on their designated sex rooftop. There’s a funny ass part in all-star where it’s revealed that they have fucked in a literal sewer. the joker shows up for like 2 pages with a henchman who has giant swastikas tattooed over her nipples and neither of them ever appear again. that book is taking the piss so fucking hard and Jim Lee is too much of a coward to finish drawing the last two issues


The swastika pastee lady was straight out of DKR. Of all the elements to expound on of course Miller would bring her back out.



I read this last year! It’s really incredible and hits certain emotions just right.

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Two months before Steve Ditko’s mystic hero Doctor Stephen Strange debuted in Strange Tales #110, evil scientist Carlo Strange wreaked havoc for cover image “The Stronghold of Dr. Strange!” on Tales of Suspense #41, May 1963. Stan Lee script, Jack Kirby pencils and maybe inks, Stan Goldberg colors, Artie Simek letters.


good news: teppu got licensed
bad news: digital only

Invisible Parade
By Mississippi ミシシッピ
Published by Glacier Bay

Anybody read this? I just finished it and loved every little story it had. These are vignettes. They are sweet but you can feel a little hole in the narrator’s heart. This hole gets patched now and then. There’s an alien trapped in the form of a bicycle, a late night phone call from 60’s Brian Wilson, and insect drones that hobbyist make to replace the bugs that have become endangered. Some stories were originally printed right to left, while others were printed left to right. I enjoy turning the book upside down to follow the new orientation. It’s like shaking someone’s hand.


I love it but I haven’t finished it yet. Been reading a story every week or so, rationing it out.

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If I didn’t already own it, I’d get this nice edition from Hi-Fructose.

Edit: Oh, never mind. This one is also by Fantagraphics. I wonder if they are going to reprint the whole series in this larger format.

Edit 2: I see. They did it to match that combined volume of the other three books plus a new one which, to my annoyance, is the only way to get the final book in the series because it’s not printed separately.


this month’s judge dredd megazine reprints some 1960s stories about a super anti-hero character named the spider. the reprinted stories in particular are written by superman co-creator jerry siegel

they’re not very good, unfortunately.