Comic Books, Graphic Novels, Sequential Art, & you

Curious if anyone on SB2 is really reading anything comic wise.

I’m tasking myself to read a TPB, or equivalent every week. So far I’m ahead of the game but only finished Grant Morrison’s Animal Man run, which was disappointing yet interesting. Then still working on Irredeemable, which is more disappointing.

But I am plowing on.

I have a lot of comics to read

Today I happened to be in the right frame of mind to finish Space Riders and to catch up with little on ODY-C. Christian Ward’s art on the latter is incredible, but Fraction’s writing oscillates between epic and cloying.

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I’m a slow reader of both comics and text, so I struggle to approach my backlog. I sat down and made my way through Jojo Part 4 recently, though, since it’s been fully re-translated. I’m gonna skip Part 5 until there’s a faithful version (likely via the anime or a western publication).

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I mostly read web comics does that count

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In a previous episode of SelectButton, someone made a thread about cool webcomics. Of their recommendations I’m still reading Paranatural and Kill Six Billion Demons, links to which I’ll add when I get home of I remember to.

Right now I’m reading Prague Race, Cucumber Quest and Stay Still, Stay Silent

The only panel-based storytelling I am reading is Octopus Pie, which is good enough that I feel bad for not chipping in a few bucks to Meredith on her Paetron.

I also enjoy diving into Funky Winkerbean every so often if only because holy shit this comic is kind of crazy for a Sunday funny

I’m confused as to why you think it wouldn’t?

On that line I was shocked to find out that MegaTokyo is still pressing on. Seems like the dude should of moved on at this point.

On SB-62 we had separate threads for web comics and print comics (I think the latter focused especially on Marvel/DC super hero types) so I didn’t know if maybe you had a particular subset in mind.

Oh gotcha. Maybe there’s something to splitting it up. I just jumped in.

I read too much of the Diamond stuff. I really should read a lot of what you guys are mentioning. The truth is I never would of heard of it unless you guys brought it up.

I think it’ll all work in one thread

Guess what’s finally getting an English reprint, courtesy of Vertical.


Yeah there’s no denying that these show their age in some places but Osamu Tezuka is incredible and no stranger to mature themes. He’s called the God/Grandfather of manga because he darn near invented 90% of all anime genres (and possibly several fetishes, accidentally).

my To Read list of his includes:

  • Adolf
  • Alabaster
  • Apollo’s Song
  • Buddha (considered one of his best)
  • MW
  • Ode to Kirihito

There are a bunch more but those are the ones that sound the most interesting to me. I want to read Hi no Tori but it’s unfinished…

Astro Boy volume 3 (the one about “The World’s Greatest Robot”) has absolutely immaculate pacing and direction. Loved every second of that.

This isn’t so much my realm, but Wounded Man is beyond over the top. Kind of the opposite of what you’re talking about here.

JOYRIDE by Boom Studios (Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Marcus To and Irma Kniivila) which is a fun poppy sci-fi jaunt with a robot that reminds me of daft punk and space Nazis and really off model drawing of the protagonist on the cover;

COPPERHEAD (Jay Faerber & Scott Godlewski, Ron Riley, Thomas Mauer which I have not read yet (but am as of this post) and all the back says is instead of being an ad for cereal is that I should REALLY BUY THIS and according to ign comics (who I assume review comics like they do videogames) “LIVES UP TO ITS ADVANCE PRAISE ENTIRELY…AN AESTHETIC UNLIKE ANY OTHER COMIC ON THE SHELVES.”

Anybody reading Shutter? I’m enjoying it quite a lot, but it’s starting to feel quite a bit like the writers are making it up as they go along. Not that that isn’t part of its appeal–Cassius’ transition from harmless toy to murderous radical is amazing–but things like Shaw’s arc make me wonder just where they’re going with all this.

Copperhead was one of the best new Image books this year. It’s strong but the delays might end up killing this book which would be tragic. I like the cast but i’m wondering how it will continue.

Shutter is a fun book but honestly i’m getting it solely for the art(ist) at this point.


I just picked up GWENPOOL #0. It is written by CHRIST HASTINGS, who you know, wrote like, DR. MCNINJA or something. HIs writing is still top notch but u can tell the Marvel Editorial has him scale it back a little bit there. GWENPOOL herself is more DR MCNINJA than Howard The Duck is, which seems surprising coming from him.

next up is


this is like weird bio-punk hardcore dick-lopping off orc fantasy and its really really fun to look at. the writing is fantasy thru and thru though, but the orcs in this book are more fun and alien than anyone has ever made them. if you liked PROPHET you would probably like ORC STAIN

I liked DrMcNinja but Hastings Deadpool mini from forever ago was pretty bad so I didn’t even look at Gwenpool

Orc Stain is just great. DJ orwell I know was a big fan too.

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You like what you like! There is a lot of schlock superhero stuff, that’s gonna be the norm when the push all kinds of crap.
As far as self contained superhero stories Batman the Long Halloween is a personal favorite. There are 2 more trades that follow it but that stands on it’s own. All Star Superman is one I’d push you to read regardless, I think it’s very important in a lot of ways. Then X-men God Loves Man Kills stands on it’s own. Honestly I’m hesitant to recommend superhero stuff to anyone anymore. I feel like if you wanted to you would of picked something up and tried it on your own.

Beyond that, I’m a little shocked to hear you’re not down with Steve Dillion. I guess it can be a bit acquired but Preacher is a hell of a work. If that’s not your thing, maybe Transmetropolitan would be more your taste art wise? Also in Vertigo DMZ, Fables, Y the Last Man are all classics. Of course thee is Sandman in a class it’s own artists and stories always rotating. Also since you mentioned Watchmen, V for Vendetta is the sister book in my mind. Also far away from any of that, and something that’s more slice of life/using comics as a medium in a fascinating way is DayTripper
which forever reason is the main book is this diatribe I’d recommend to you, buried in the middle here :slight_smile:

Have you looked into the Image stuff at all? A fair amount of artistic variety among sci-fi, crime, and horror stories there.

Beyond that I don’t know if you’ve checked out any Will Eisner Stuff. There’s also a translated comic called Okko that I think would be your speed, it’s very pretty.

**edit- BTW @mothmanspirit I love the bits you’re writing here for manga I’ve never heard of, keep it up it’s always appreciated. And while I have nothing against Old Man Logan it’s hardly a golden gem either.

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