Has Freddy Carrasco made other works on the same level as Gleem?
Does anybody have any impressions about “Future”, by Tommi Musturi?
I looked at some pages while in Chicago, at Quimby’s, and I found the drawings psychedelic and really impressive.
Just finished Ghost World for the first time from the Daniel Clowes Reader. It was really fucking good! The Daniel Clowes Reader is also really fucking good in general. Lots of good stuff in there.
From “I Made a Monster” in Journey Into Mystery #9, June 1953. Pencils and inks by John Forte. Stan Lee editor.
what are some good 1-3 volume manga that are easy to get ahold of?
Dementia 21
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Ode to Kirihito
(I realize most of these are probably too well-known to be worth mentioning, but I like them.)
I’m actually reading this right now, on your recommendation from some other thread. The art is great.
Book of Human Insects
The Sky Is Blue With A Single Cloud
Talk To My Back
Otherworld Barbara / The Poe Clan / Heart Of Thomas
Nijigahara Holograph
Kyo Machiko’s Diary trilogy
Nausica’s getting a new printing in a slightly larger than usual seeming format
i’m gonna look into all of these, and in return, i’ll recommend
midnight fishermen
maiden railways
(and of course, the goranger and kamen rider omnibi. especially the kamen rider one. if you like 70s/80s denny o neil/neal adams batman, it’s an essential read)(but this conversation has taken a turn for the classy, so i feel a little silly recommending these ancient superhero comics lol)
If you like ohikkoshi I’d also recommend Halcyon Lunch which remains Samura’s most creative work.
Also adding:
No longer human
Tomino the Damned
Cats of The Louvre
The Box Man
Red Snow
Thinking this may be one of the greatest one pagers in comics history
could also go in the sig thread, poor GIRL VICTIM, maybe turned into a fly, maybe not
why didnt h e just play batman if he wanted to understand gotham. i mean being an aqua-slave and rebelling with techno swords and bolos DOES sound cool but very unlike gotham
It is extremely funny that he is putting in the cart backwards so that the label is right side up when the label as drawn has no words on it and would be just as legible in the correct orientation
I have just read the Talk to my back, feminist manga from the 80s and I found it really beautiful.
Thanks Cerium for suggesting it!