character actors you get excited to see in movies

Things from Out for a Kill:

  • Seagal plays a former convict who got his PhD from Yale while in prison in Archaeology.
  • When his archaeology assistant dies, he’s ready to fuckin’ go to war. When his wife dies in a house fire, he just stands outside and doesn’t even bother while the sky behind him flips out and changes colors.
  • At his assistant’s funeral, two monks are standing by her picture, then jump out of frame, throw a smoke bomb back in, and jump back in ready to FIGHT.
  • The aforementioned monkey dude.
  • At one point he ends up in prison with a black roommate who gets introduced as being in there for some drug shit, so of course Seagal gets him let out later after giving him daps on leaving the cell, after Steve learns some AAVE (important as yet another ethnic identity he can adopt here and in other movies).

There’s probably more, but I can’t even remember it all. It’s a lot.