This the list of games I was looking to pick up when I get a PS4:
- Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours
- Spelunker World
- Tembo the Bad Ass Elephant
- Dragon Quest Builders whenever that gets released and if it doesn’t come out for Vita
This the list of games I was looking to pick up when I get a PS4:
[quote=“Felix, post:17, topic:1082, full:true”]
also this year is looking to be the closest thing we’ll get to a bonafide resurgence of big-budget japanese game development and it’s all happening on PS4:[/quote]
so after reading this ~ half an hour ago, i suddenly am like "so what did they do all this time?" And first thing I can come up with, OK, Katamari (PS3/X360) - but that’s not big budget … anyway, at least one!
Ace Combat 6.
Lost Odyssey - was that big budget? MS surely helped pay whatever (hefty) bill they presented them to get that elusive “proper” JRPG™. Persona(s) - PS2-era. SOTC-esque follow-up - HD-remix only. …
Metal Gear 4 & 5 - OK, valid. What else?
Bayonetta, VANQUISH, MGS:Rising, OK, that’s not bad.
FF13 till 13-3, up to me skipping them entirely, although -3 kinda starts to pique my interest.
Xenoblade(s), Last Story (probably also tanked like Lost Odyssey did) … and then all that’s left is kinda down to tri-Ace stuff. Star Ocean 4, End of Eternity(oh yes), Infinite Comedy, that Chopin-Tales-Of-esque-Radiata Stories it was? OK, that one.
Nier (sold apparently well enough to warrant a part 2)
OK, so I can at least come up with some titles after a while.But I started wondering if my insistence to stick to proper™ consoles with a 45+" HDTV instead of handhelds might be why it’s so hard to come up with anything immediately inbetween 2006 and 2015.
Also lots of false positives (Sleeping Dogs! - not quite … El Shaddai was also west- hold on, that was J-developed) and I feel a bit better not having forgotten about most stuff that actually made the last 10 years worthwhile playing, no matter if it was lacking one (or two) A’s …
yup, last decade of j-stuff on consoles has been basically from and platinum carrying the torch since 2009, with atlus/square/sega periodically doing interesting stuff but not on any kind of regular basis comparable to what came before
I can counter that point but a whole lot of Japan last generation was Microsoft went to every studio with a really big check and then Gears and Call of Duty and Braid happened.
J-studios refusal to share code internally really hurt everyone.
Pointing out again that Koei-Techmo (listen to hinge problems) know what the fuck they are doing.
Namco-Bandai also did pretty well the whole time farming out anime and then screaming into the abyss when they needed a franchise game mid generation so they farmed it out to a western studio like everyone else.
at this rate they might produce a musou game that’s actually good and not just vaguely comfort-food-tasting by like 2025!
what else do they actually work on though? apparently this gets localized in two weeks and while it would’ve seemed really cool a decade ago now the only vibe I get is Sideboob Returns
Well they were one of the main midlevel guys with unreal engine talent (quantum theory), I liked ninja gaiden 3 (and other people like 2). Their games have consistently sold well and been released at a good pace.
Now i have to look up what exactly else tecmo did for the past ten years because team ninja and nekketsu games doesnt sound like enough.
Okay also attelier games which all sell above 100k.
[quote=“Rudie, post:24, topic:1082, full:true”]
I can counter that point but a whole lot of Japan last generation was Microsoft went to every studio with a really big check[/quote]
which, if you think about it, isn’t such a bad thing, considering how lacklustre the J-output may seem. idk what was funded by MS only or just got greenlight because Sony/MS managed to raise enough funds to co-op-finance it …
but we got some nice (old-school AA+ production) IPs/games funded:
like, Nier, EoE, Catherine, new takes on old formulas (Project Silpheed a.k.a Ace Combat-wannabe, Armored Core (4, V and FA! how could I forget FA … i feel so bad now ;_; )) as well as more experimental stuff like child of eden, El Shaddai or, of course, the Souls-games.
God someone explain why Limbo is a darling to anyone.
mind you, don’t ask me, I find it amusing/nice-ish* but nothing, say, goty-worthy.
*disclaimer: I have proven time and again that I have a horrible taste in games … I still think that Split/Second was one of the great games of last generation, and am going to buy Star Ocean 5. 'nuf said!
plex runs on ps4 if that’s an option
with a subscription.
oh nice-ish is a good way to describe it, I just can’t fathom why it has this GREATEST status.
I thought they took the ps4 client out of beta so you could use it without the sub now like most other platforms?
ps4 flash sale has transformers for less than 20. Also Albert odyssey for five. Anyone play that one?
In addition to Abyss Odyssey, I’d also be interested in opinions on Strider and Entwined. They are cheap in that sale as well.
The original Strider has always been one of my favorites, even if the arcade version unfairly robbed me of quarters in places. I also like the PS1 sequel, which made everyone think they had a rare copy until they realized that everyone’s discs were switched.
I guess I’ve also never played Flow, though I am certainly a fan of Flower and Journey.
Needing opinions about a game that costs 2 dollars and you are interested in is really weird.
That said entwined is barely a game. More a tech demo.
Next(current?)-gen Strider is a Metrodivania with a Strider that controls like the one from Strider 2. I mean, it’s pretty well made and all but it’s not a Strider game, it’s a game with Strider in it. The half of it I played was worth the asking price I paid (it was a PS+ game).
If you have nothing in your PSN wallet, you have to add at least 5 bucks (this is still a thing in The Year Of Our Lord 2016), so if you’re going to get one, you might as well get both.
(buy Cactus, buy it but it buy it)
I’ve played “Abyss Odyssesy”. It’s a strange game. It controls a lot like Smash Bros. (including nuances like able to tech and roll on the ground after getting hit), but it has some unique chaining/combo mechanics too.
Your enjoyment of it will probably largely depend on how much you like Smash Bros. I play a lot of Smash Bros. on a semi-regularly basis, and even I think the controls are sort fiddly and ill-suited for traversing platforming levels. I bet the game feels terrible to someone who’s not as familiar with the controls.
I think the game varies in difficulty pretty wildly too, which is unfortunate for a game with perma-death and random levels. It has the problem that a lot of bad brawlers have where sometimes you get chain hit and lose a lot of life due to factors mostly beyond your control.
I had fun testing out moves and learning how to play, but I didn’t stick with the game for very long. Steam says I put 4 hours into it, and half of that was with a friend in co-op.
I didn’t leave with a terribly strong feeling one way or the other.
yeah. I like ACE team a lot, I like that they made such a direct smash brothers takeoff (that wasn’t necessarily recognized as such) with an almost-interesting single player mode. but it doesn’t have a lot of staying power.
While I agree that the idea of a roguelike-esque game that plays like a brawler is neat (let’s ignore that Crimson Tears already did it w/r/t Tekken/Tobal), if you just want a Smash replacement on a not-Nintendo system, you have or will have better options (Rivals of Aether and Brawlhalla, the latter of which is F2P and coming to the PS4).