Cartoons (Part 1)


Macross Plus isn’t homely, it’s one of the most beautiful artefacts of animation in the 90s, and still holds up perfectly today.

Macross Plus is an exception in so many ways.

Watch it and be bowled over by the anime of it all.

Seriously the plot hinges on a pop song that rekindles understanding between men and women separated by 10,000 years of SPACEWAR. It could only have been created by someone who thought holding hands is transgressive and kinky.

Ooh! And it’s got some of the best 2-frame gore sneaks around

This ain’t one but still:

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Yeah, I adore the original Macross and DYRL for going as far as they did with the concept, but everyone I know tells me never to bother with any of the sequel series.

i guess i am watching this next after i finally finish galactic heroes (one season to go)

can i use this thread to fish for more recommendations on more pre-computer animation to inject into my eyeballs, because looking at this stuff is fucking euphoric

space battles and stuff definitely aren’t required but i guess they are a pretty big bonus because, uh, i sure am 19

I like some of the newer Macross stuff, like the Frontier movies, but that comes with a “you must be THIS anime to ride” disclaimer.

Macross Plus can & should be recommended to people who dig Cowboy Bebop, though.

Go for Crusher Joe; the designs are softer but it’s fabulously animated and it’s duly focused on narrative.

Space Adventure Cobra takes its cues from 70s prog rock album covers and is set in a 60s fox-in-henhouse universe; it’s mad and sexist but I love it anyway. Watch the movie and if you like it the show’s got a bunch more.

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final fantasy: legend of the crystals isn’t an all-time rgeat storywise or anything, but it does have really really nice-looking colours

Selling/gushing Cobra:

The bad guy is Crystal Boy or Crystal Bowie and he’s a gold skeleton encased in, uh, crystal

Some great moody backgrounds

Opening credits


If you want a short dose, Rain Town is a short I absolutely adore and watch from time to time.

And yes, Cobra. If you enjoy the way its directed give it a shot to other Dezaki shows.

It’s such a pity there is not a good quality version of that opening with the Yello song.


If you haven’t already, read everything on Anipages and watch everything recommended there. It’s a good shortcut to anime literacy.


everything is a lot of things! i will poke around on there, though

here’s the starting point

I can vouch for everything listed

Oh yeah that list reminds me, my local theater is for once being cool instead of terrible: they’re playing a new restoration of Kanashimi no Belladonna!

Out side of the animation, Macross Plus never really did anything for me. None of the characters really worked for me. All their asshole levels were set to high. Well, I did like the engineer/designer of the YF-19 for nerding out over stuff.

I like that it’s a war story not set on the front lines. Just fucked up assholes that can only deal with each other by taking out their aggression in experimental robot planes.

I feel like Macross Plus doesn’t reeeeally count as a Macross entry, since it’s a stand-alone movie about test pilots and aviation. I do intend to see it since it’s a Shinchiro Watanabe movie, and one I hear is good, but like, it doesn’t have a whole heck of a lot to do with the Macross universe.

It’s created and co-directed by Shoji Kawamori, it’s the first real Macross project after DYRL, it has pop music idols that are actually AIs

It is definitely macross.

Oh wow, didn’t know Kawamori had anything to do with it.

Yeah, I’ll have to see it.

The restoration of this played at the local Art Theater as a midnight festival showing. I went into it knowing nothing other than “it’s extremely weird” and really enjoyed it. That restoration looks so gosh-darned nice.

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Is there a new summer anime show that is worth watching?

Berserk obviously doesn’t count because it’s unwatchable.