But Thou Must (share pictures from Dragon Quest Builders) (Now the general DQ Builders thread)

Those are some hot shots, and I gotta get back to finishing this game. I am pretty close to the end of the story, but I want to do so much building.

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Yeah I was way over ambitious with my ideas, wanting to build whole districts. But doing just one big building is a lot of work on it’s own. I dunno how some people managed to recreate the entire of Paris or whatever.

The last act of the story was a bit of a surprise, just as I thought I was at the home stretch, it throws a in a weird curve ball

Yeah, I get pretty ambitious with mine, and I want to basically terraform whole chunks of the main island, so we shall see.

But either way, it is super fun just building things.


Is it still hard to build interiors in the sequel?

There’s a first person mode so you can target specific blocks like in minecraft, and a glove item that lets you pick up and rotate a single object, rather than accidentally smashing multiple blocks when put something in the wrong spot. Still a bit fiddly though

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