But Thou Must (share pictures from Dragon Quest Builders) (Now the general DQ Builders thread)

Next door to Cantlin Court is Cantlin Villa.

Cantlin Villa has a spiral staircase that takes up a lot of real estate, so each floor has only one residence and a unique layout to offset the staircase’s footprint.

(These stairs out front lead down to a basement treasury.)

The ground floor lobby.

The 1st floor hallway opens out to a small patio.

Cherie’s room is also on the 1st floor. (Why do the private room signs need to be gendered?)

The 2nd floor hallway leads only to a vacant residence; there is no patio on this floor.

The 3rd floor hallway opens out to another patio.

The 3rd floor residence is the most spacious home in town but is also vacant.