bulletin witch

one time i watched dan periscope himself taking a bite out of every item on the taco bell menu, often in the middle of the burrito, and then giving them all a rating out of 100. most were 90-98. also he, the man who loves taco bell and ate it for god knows how long and says his favorite food is just “taco bell” and oh yeah he eventually got married in one, had never tried sour cream until then


Unless you count that the mac and cheese his mom used to make had sour cream in it, and when he told his mom he hated sour cream and she revealed this fact, he dumped out the container she had made for him to take home.

That or him destroying his TV by shooting it with a Super Soaker whenever his least favorite wrestlers appeared on screen.

I feel like the relationship many have with Dan is an extremely, uh, Frank Grimes vs. Homer Simpson affair.


tell me more about this “semper hentai”

I saw Quake homebrew and didn’t immediately download it, like a fool. You’ve been instrumental in my growth.

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finishing my fourth playthrough of P4G was exactly what made me hack my Vita, in a desperate thirst to do literally anything else with it. I might as well TRY downloading all of the hentai, as a scientist


please bring back hentai infographics from your studies


Ryckert went to a table read of a Simpsons episode and apparently Herzog was there. Now all I can think about is a Taco Bell Man documentary. The glasses story alone could fill like 90 minutes of nihilistic pontification


oh man they’re making a Yasuke movie


i havent had people yell mean things to me on the street if they’re on another team like they did with ingress… people were MEAN in ingress

but i have gotten glares while gym battling
the dog park near me has a group of dog walkers that run the place so i always steal it at night because i live close. i know the dude who wears the swans shirt all the time is team valor and im starting to hate him…


On the Beastcast two (?) weeks ago Dan Ryckert said he liked that Metal Gear wasn’t “political.”

This took the title belt for me from the time he described his scheme of retrieving cups from the trash at movie theaters to get free soda.


As mentioned though, nothing tops Dan thinking glasses were cool and lying during an eye exam so he could get glasses, then irreparably fucking up his eyes and actually needing them.

Or the aforementioned egg whites = the shell thing.

Or him not realizing that pirates looted other ships and villages, and that’s why they had treasure to hoard and bury.

Trying to imagine how Dan has managed to not only make it to 35, but lead as fortunate and charmed a life as he’s had…it’s exhausting if you think too much about it.


seeing the pirate thing live with the GB site chat open is a thing that will stick with me until I die

a few hundred people typing in the equivalent of resigned acceptance

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Now I’m imagining him driven by a supernatural force like Laura Palmer.

be attitude for gains

tits are life, ass is hometown

semper hentai


Making a great impression on the new posters I see


im gonna get really into senran kagura now

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