bulletin witch

I am fully on board for skatebird

as much as I’ve always wanted to play with a real PCE, if I’m not inserting hucards, what’s the point

also the fact that the Japanese version exclusively gets China Warrior is hilarious and perfect

Good news RE Star Control


Star Control II was lightning in a bottle with a lot of talent and inspiration temporarily arrayed behind it, and I don’t think either of the current crews will produce anything that lives up to it. It’s also such a complete game in itself that even a high quality followup risks seeming “fatigued”, like Dark Souls 3.

I think the best possible product would be a Sonic Mania style remastermake of SCII that fixes the user interface and balance issues (that make it hard to recommend despite its sparkling with brilliance in other ways), while keeping most of the script and being essentially loyal to the original look. Hmm, I should check all the UQM mods to see if anything roughly fits that description…


at this point i honestly dont care what a new star control will look like, i just wanted to see stardock lose


Me too, but I’m happy the original creators are at least fine now and won’t go bankrupt trying to fight it

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Finally an article about the new Romero Games game is written acknowledging that Brenda is the actual lead

(everything post-announce has been, “John Romero’s new game!”)

It was rather pathetic to see how little people remember her work on Jagged Alliance


the first i heard of brenda romero is when she made a board game about moving people from point a to point b on trains

also it was about the holocaust so

anyway yes this was very frustrating and i assumed just based on the board game angle that this was a brenda romero joint. i didn’t know she worked on jagged alliance. also i have never played that.

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john romero actually likes it when you refer to him as ‘brenda romeros husband’

no one remembers her work on wizardry either


Train Game is rather good! And spurred a lot of the ‘serious game’ design movement in board games; 2009 was just before some of the design schools started exploring this territory and it was passed around as a case study.


i had no idea empire of sin was brenda romero!! that makes it infinitely more exciting if her work at sir-tech is any indication

almost had a chance to check out her piece “Black Box” in london which was a game she played by herself with rules that she created exactly one time and then displayed the ending of the game

that kind of stuff is just like, all the way my shit

she would tell us about how much she loved the prohibition-era gangster setting when we were in her classes so I’m really happy to see that she just gets to Make That Game now



brenda romero and her husband have shaped games more than just about anybody and also they are genius designers so i’m hype for gangsters: brenda stomps your balls edition


I probably said this already but w/e

it was always really fun to watch them talk about games (and critique our own) as a couple

brenda was a great lecturer - she would wax on about how the mechanics should be related to themes and really probe what you were trying to do with specific dynamics and stuff

and then john would come in and play your game and be like “but what if this had a gun in it”


that matches my experiences, yeah

John will always be the skater hacker kid


I love that. Sounds like the superego and id of game design, and neither works quite so well on its own.



Brenda Romero is indeed great, John seems kind of like he’s been overhyped lately for someone who has spent the last 20 years releasing phone games, facebook games, and flops with the exception of Sigil (and even then its strictly midtier as far as doom megawads go)

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i mean… he made knee deep in the dead though. that’s a lifetime pass