bulletin witch

most funding occurs on the first few days and last few days, so I’m not sure that it’s even that big of a deal to shorten that time window, unless you think you can raise extra awareness during the whole month.

a longer frame helps people figure out when they can best fork over the money, at least. there are probably people who want to pay $60 for the physical version who won’t be able to come up with that money in 7 days but who might be able to in 30. on the other hand, shorter time frames probably help pick up impulse buys.

CD, 32X, lock-on cartridge, and Sonic cartridge decorations for your Genesis/Mega Drive Mini. Apparently, this was announced at some point in a Famitsu live stream.


That’s hilarious but also makes me wish they had like Snatcher and stuff on them.

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Its definitely over-used. Although Blasphemous seems like it may not be quite as aggressive with the technique. Its probably an easy way to create a certain feel for the player.

I imagine that also cuts down on the amount of animation frames they need to have for actions and reactions.

The new Samurai Showdown game has pretty heavy handed use of it. And its one thing which has me wondering about the game, rather than a blind buy.

*I mean, they’ve been doing that in 2D fighters since Street Fighter 2. But the freeze frame has become more and more apparent, with modern fighters. And that may be because they are generally faster and have more animation frames.

Hitpause rules!

I thought Daph was talking about only devoting a single frame of animation to the attack, like the weapon ‘manifests’ in front of you. It’s very anime stylization but kind of cheap in certain art styles.

I was buying an air conditioner and had to watch these commericals over and over and Japanese Video Games exist.

Somehow the change in perspective makes this more appealing to me? I’ve never played any of the other games in the series though, and it is kind of baffling to me that this series is still relevant in Year of Luigi 2019

Watching Darksiders footage just makes me wish Todd McFarlane was paying me to make the sick as hell Spawn game I’ve been making in my head for the last several years now.

New game looks alright I guess but it’s tainted by THQ Nordic’s ickyness after they did an AMA with 8chan.

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It’s too bad we don’t have a videogame ideas thread anymore (I think) because I’d like to hear about this imaginary Spawn game

I think we still have that thread. I’ll post something later.


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woo hoo slay the spire on switch

more like slay the switch

or switch the spire

woo hooooooo


I hope Kevin VanOrd is working on the new Baldur’s Gate 3

Stadia launches with traditional purchasing, no universal client access for several months (must purchase a ‘Stadia’ box which uses a Chromecast as the client, presumably as a larger-scale stress test). Has a monthly fee but it’s pitched not as a subscription model but something closer to the value of Xbox Live or PS+; higher-quality streaming and ‘some’ free games.

Their value is in radically reducing friction between viewing a game and playing, and so Netflix-like buffet-style-content, but it looks like they don’t have the leverage or funding support to move anything outside of traditional purchases. If their internal studios ever produce must-haves that would help but that looks at least years out.

I don’t think this is a strong play if they don’t have the subscription model in place. And dedicating their launch to ‘must have unique hardware at comparable to console prices’ really undercuts their selling point, ‘any computer or phone and any controller can run this already’.

Did they say unique hardware? What I read at Kotaku said it ran through Chromecast, with the “founders bundle” including the controller and a Chromecast Ultra.

If “the box” is just a Chromecast, that’s a fairly common device.

My understanding is that you have to purchase the ‘Founder’s Edition’ to use the service, at least until ??. (Or have a Pixel 3 for mobile play(!)). Eventually they open it to normal web clients, you know, the entire point of the service.

This article tracks well with what I’ve been thinking and goes into more detail:

Update: Kevin VanOrd IS working on Baldur’s Gate 3!