bulletin witch


Well up for that


I started watching a first-something-minutes video of Blasphemous earlier today. I was really entertained by the overwrought, pious narrative and pseudo-catholic aesthetic, but I stopped watching after a few minutes because I realised I might like to never see another pixel art nor see another 2D platformer. Can I still hang around here after saying that?


very nice

Is there a more influential modern pixel artist than Superbrothers? That proportion and resolution choice is so widespread (and I find it really appealing and expressive, especially the melancholy those lanky bodies can carry), but even beyond that I feel like their color choices have really pushed people out of SNES+++ rich jewel tones.


sorry no


yes you can, just tell us why you don’t like them

i posted because I want the whole death in obscurity thing to be avoided and I’m getting gently caressing roasted by goons because I’m a carelord and also tl;dr

it’s exactly what I wanted


Parenthetical removed. If you don’t like it, pester Nettle about it.

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you know one thing i’ve never understood about these pixel art swordmans (especially since the big rush to make “2d dark souls”) is the way every swing has one freeze-frame of “impact” where the entire arc occurs. is that supposed to make it more satisfying? it just makes the flow of action seem flat and monotonous. so much of the appeal of souls combat is in learning to internalise all the odd timings and motions of a weapon; the sensation of weight and real physical velocity to everything, meaning you have to stay continuously aware

having every action be an instantaneous in-and-out SMACK BASH CRUNCH is about as fun to me as opening a bag of crisps (over and over)


the guy who keeps posting “dumb ideas from barkley 2!!!” is leading the thread in kind of an insanely mean-spirited direction and i am sorry you guys have to deal with that considering none of you were obligated to be this honest about what happened. i feel bad for you guys and really wish people werent being so shitty about this whole thing

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Im not sure who you are talking about, if you mean bisse, my blood sorta boils when it’s people I toiled with getting cheap laughs, and nobody working on this game is good enough to avoid serious glass house stuff so… w/e

Obviously commenters dunking on me is good and normal. if I can be a thread ruining foil that’s for the best, I care about my friend/coworkers being on better terms and hopefully not indulging bad instincts. I would like everyone with a stake at peace to hash out exactly what happens with the game (demo, source, vanish, whatever) and be satisfied


yea i meant bisse. i think its unfair that goons are dragging you so hard for responding to an incredibly personal post with…an incredibly personal post. but i get what youre trying to do, and i think its admirable in the face of the whole fiasco to be open and honest and try to get some kind of closure on it. best of luck dude, i just wanna see the tog boys all be friends again


I can barely see the screen at this point and I can’t get enough of picturing Bort walking off into the sunset like in the searchers and saying “it’s time for the goons to drag me”


what is your deal with the searchers

also they finally stuck your itunes 4k rip of heat up on some private torrent sites


thank you Parker, hook me up

edit: I found it but there’s no way I’m pulling 30GB off of rapidgator, guess I’ll wait for it to go on rarbg

I mean no disrespect to anyone that makes/enjoys pixel art and 2D platformers, but I’m hitting a personal saturation point for that aesthetic and that format. So I’m usually apathetic or even turned off when presented with new expressions in these modes.


I love 2D platformers, but Blasphemous doesn’t look interesting to me either. It looks like Megaman Zero with gore.

megaman zero looks like a dirty grungy moving piece of cyberpunk graffiti and the cation focuses on smoothness and slicing through things like butter so i’d take mmz over it any day

oh nvm it reached its funding goal in just under two days, lol