bulletin witch

speaking of kickstarter

7 days, hm…


For the first time, i am tempted to do this Kickstarter thing, damn…

i mean,… RTF2… :star_struck:

I remember hearing interviews with the ex-Groupon CEO who is responsible for a 1000x larger fiasco thanks to 1000x more hubris, and that guy is going around cheerfully like, “it was a great experience, sure is funny to think about in retrospect, live and learn haha!”. Feels like American culture crushes people trying to do labors of love and lets off the greedy con artists scot free. Angry consumers at some level are trying to throw criticism at the con-artist group, but the invective slides off those slick bastards and lands on the folks trying to live up to their values.

Another thing I notice about this story is that it has a lot of the sadly “normal” elements of American life in one’s twenties. Losing contact with one’s best friends, abandoning artistic pursuits for a more pragmatic life, those things happened to me too but just as more mundane, isolated events. Whereas it sounds like all of the crises of your quarter-life were bundled up into this one big project under pressure and spotlight. I regret my losses individually, but this 7-year project becomes a central locus that at a stroke brings to mind all life regrets. And the locus also implies a golden counterfactual that the project could’ve been well-planned, released and successful and then because of that, your friendship and mental health could’ve been preserved too.

Anyway, my sympathies. I hope the guilt will fade with the passage of time.


what the hell 7 days, do they owe the yakuza money


21 posts were split to a new topic: blowoff thread

It’s Dragonquest Go


I cannot care about a phone game even with DQ but what a great ad. Chuckled at the coffin following a guy around


Can’t wait to Dragon Quest Walk to the polls.


yo thanks again for bringing those hot plates


ok i’d vote for anyone who said that


i don’t really want to play a randomized space station shooterpg but this game’s graphics look real cool to me
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Naturally this makes me want Jet Set Radio Fully Automated Luxury Communism quite badly


That SA thread about Barkley 2 is the gift that keeps on giving. Behold the periodic table of gun’s.

(There’s also some sprites on the next page)


My word

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I heard about Barkley 2 today due to the kotaku article and I just wanna say Rest In Peace. Maybe someday we’ll see you again, sweet prince

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various barkley 2 devs keep posting in the SA thread and it just sounds like more and more of a disaster. it also sounds like the assets situation is such a mess that none of that stuff will ever really see the light of day

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The whole thing sure makes me glad my patreon page failed and I don’t take/have any money for game development. You never know how shit pans out


Got a hard self restriction not launching my Patreon proper until certain requirements are met…

Objectives Completed 75%