i spent about a half an hour with this just now and want to post more impressions:
game does not feel very playtested. all skeletons - i mean every single one of them - throw bones at an angle that’s often really hard to avoid, and they throw a lot of them. i was barely able to make it to Berkeley Manor with one life remaining. the skeletons were part of the issue, but i also lost a life in the platforming area with the mermen because at one point, right before the critical position to make a jump, they just continually, endlessly spawn, making the jump almost impossible if you stop moving for a second to judge your jump.
sometimes when Simon gets hit, his sprite disappears from the screen entirely and you have no idea where you are, but can still take damage. i wonder if this is some weird glitch that happens because i was outputting HDMI to my TV, but feel like it might occur regardless.
on the note of graphical issues, the parallax scrolling clouds above Jova are all moving at different speeds and don’t synch up, so you just see lines/layers of cloud parts moving separately from each other.
when i arrived at the manor, i was pleasantly surprised by its look - it looks pretty nice! here, i thought, is maybe where the game shines? i then encountered a somewhat high-level enemy with an 8-way shot, and died. all of the enemies in the game, in the first area, feel like late-game CV enemies.
the continue function also no longer exists in the way it used to; dying in a manor doesn’t start you back at the entrance to the manor, and you have to start back in the last town you saved in (manors might have save points inside of them, i’m not sure, yet).
there’s no more day/night cycle in the game, which…well, i guess i’m open to the argument that the night cycle merely wasted time for players because you can’t do certain interactions during that time, but i feel like taking out such an iconic feature of the original is a strange choice.
the game is less grindy, as hearts and (the new insertion of) gold drop constantly and plentifully, but again, i think this changes the nature of the game somewhat significantly.
i get the impression that the devs who made this do not like the things about Simon’s Quest that i enjoy, and that’s fine, but i think this is where my journey with the game ends.