Bloodstained: being a castlevania fan is a complex relationship

that sounds kind of like sonic the hedgehog: omochao edition

i meant sb in general


There’s a bit of a difference between finding a game about a pantheon of cutesy clown-priestess girls off putting and being a hate monger.


If you hate Veggie Tales, you hate America.


Voice acting is pretty important in the Gal Gun Double Peace context as it was a dating sim shooter where like sixty of the dateable girls didn’t have any text lines so most of their characterization came from their in-game voice clips. That being said, as main heroines and bosses Maya and Shinobu had a lot more to work with. But amazingly you wouldn’t believe how less annoying than in Double Peace Maya’s voice seems to be so far. That’s probably partly due to her more active role here, as she was firmly stuck in the helpless infantilized little sister archetype.

honestly are the text boxes themselves even necessary? I’m tired of reading fluff dialog. 2D retro games do so much to shoehorn in “characters” with “personalities” with zero benefit the actual game. if a game doesn’t need that much writing, and you aren’t good at writing, why put all that writing in? and yet everyone does it.


far more offensive 2 my sensibilities is the complete lack of level geometry in that trailer. uniplanar castle!!


We should call this The Messenger Problem


I don’t think they qualify as moeblobs because their proportions are too human, but I do think its weird to act like finding the aesthetic of the game to be shitty is on par with saying all japanese animation is bad. There’s plenty of anime that doesn’t feature teenage girls in miniskirts or zettai ryouiki

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There are an overwhelming number of video games starring cute anime girls. It is probably the dominant aesthetic across a whole lotta genres. You into that? Congrats, the world is your dang oyster. Not everyone digs that style though! Some folks are really burnt out on it!! Remember how you felt when every other game was about bald space marines? It’s like that, okay. That is how I feel when I see a new game about, like, maids. Even if they are cute it makes me feel very tired!! Anime’s won the war for now, okay, maybe enjoy it while you can rather than get all upset that someone else doesn’t dig it.

Don’t call me racist against animes okay I’D MARRY LUM’S MUM IF I COULD

Just drew this, it’s me and Lum’s mom

That’s not a kink thing, she’s just swatting a hornet that’s on the back of my shirt, it’s very hard to tell where it is because of the colors we are wearing


Moeblobs are still cooler than army guys.


moe is the domain of the far right in japan so they do consistently produce army blob content


I was worried I was about to learn something like that.


seeing people dismiss anime girls as being moeblobs brought up some bad memories and i overreacted. that word has connotations with people who actively hate anime for the fact that its anime. I don’t know where you all are getting racism accusations from tho


yeah definitely a case where the writing was so bad it just pushed me away from wanting to play further. I’d probably have a great time with it were it not for that!

interesting because i definitely picked it up from within anime communities

I don’t know if Castlevania (and its ilk) has achieved Peak Loli/Anime yet but it could definitely benefit from a fresh coat of paint because Bloodlines/Symphony of the Night were a quarter of a century ago


The Wii Castlevania leaned hard into that, then they went the other way with Lords of Shadow and all that.

i remember people saying that we better get used to lords of shadow because it was the most profitable castlevania ever so that’s how things were going to be from now on. but instead it just killed the series forever and now we have spiritual successors to the gba/ds castlevaniae and all konami are doing is releasing a compilation every now and then

yes :moaineon:


This is why the Lecarde Chronicles is so interesting. It’s more a successor to Super Castlevania 4’s aesthetic than anything that came after Rondo of Blood. Brooding and cinematic in all the right ways.


i keep thinking about this as i really sit down and thoroughly use my Playdate today.

like this is an issue i sort of gave up on years ago but i feel it renewed. why make retro stuff but ignore the functionality/ideas/limitations of retro games. i know this is definitely a generational thing but most simple games don’t need dialogue and don’t benefit from it unless it’s really clever.