new harder difficulty!
word around the office is that it’s hard
But isn’t everyone ITT saying it’s already hard though
Sounds like a choice between Akumajou Densetsu difficulty level and Castlevania 3 US difficulty then
(IIRC I once made it to Dracula in Castlevania 3 US after heroic efforts, but I forget whether I actually won the game. The true final boss is the medusa heads that version of the game added over the giant gears in the final stage anyway)
I’m also having involuntary flashbacks to the flying skeletons in the forest stage near the very beginning of Ecclesia Hard mode. It’s an instantly forgotten 30-second transitional corridor containing 5 widely spaced zombies on Normal, but on Hard it’s infested with what amounts to human-sized medusa heads spawning in constantly from all sides. It took me like 3 hours to get across those five or so screen-lengths of just straight horizontal walking.
Like you finally reach the blunt-damage-type hammer in the middle of the stage that lets you one-shot those damn things and equip it as fast as possible, but then one of them flies up from below your feet and nails you the moment you unpause
can you imagine a touhou but all medusa heads
sine waves, flying in from every direction, overlapping, maybe splitting into clusters
oh for sure, i think the consensus is that it’s harder than CotM 1
but what if it was even harder??
one of the features is enemies respawning if you scroll back to their spawn points actually
oh hell yes
This is damn near my favorite Castlevania moment ever: when things get so hard you have to reevaluate the tools at one’s disposal. In that case, it led me to realize that the zombie summon is useless offensively, but makes for a really good shield against projectiles and errant bats, which led that stage to becoming the first instance I can recall of a reverse escort mission.
I have just finished the first Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon.
I have breezed through the game with Casual difficulty, both in normal and nightmare mode.
I realize that this game should be played in Veteran mode to leave an impression, because it forces you to be much more considerate in your actions. I did for half an hour, and it feels very different.
Unfortunately, veteran mode was a bit too difficult for me (or rather, for my current level of patience), so I ended up with casual. Something intermediate would be perfect for me.
I hope that casual mode in “Curse of the Moon 2” will be more challenging!
I guess they are looking for feedback in developing the sequel to Ritual of the Night.
reminder to everyone that both of the inti creates demakes were great, easily on par with the best of old Castlevania
theyhad some of the all-time best and most characterful nes-style animation, too
I ended up liking bloodstained a lot more than I thought I would. For some reason I liked mindlessly farming everything, do they got that somewhere on their interest form
Bloodstained was cool. Very happy that there might be a sequel coming. I love shartbending
Yeah, same here. One trick was that actually, farming was not entirely mindless. Each farming spot was a miniature routing optimization puzzle with a lot of loadout options to get each iteration down to the minimum number of seconds. The mindless execution part (that doesn’t overstay its welcome provided your solution is good enough) is an opportunity to relax and use lizard brain after solving that puzzle
yeah that’s true, you got to fuck around with a lot of stuff and your successes were immediately felt
i haven’t played any of these games but i’ve been watching my partner play Kingdom: Two Crowns: Dead Lands which features the player characters. it’s pretty cute idk
i like bloodless
This is an M2 port, btw. Very high class. Part of me feels like they specifically requested Dracula X be in there, because no one else on earth would give that game a level of care that it does not deserve.
I also kind of feel like M2 leave a little bit of room at the end so that their release isn’t completely definitive. HoD has a tracker that shows you if there’s a relic you haven’t found in that part of the castle, but doesn’t track if you’ve gotten a monster’s drops. AoS tracks if you’ve gotten a monster’s soul, but not their item drop. And despite there being a bestiary built into the collection’s UI they decided not to build one for the enemies in Dracula X.