Bloodstained: being a castlevania fan is a complex relationship


back at it again at Krispy Kreme

Yeah, the rush to be first with #content sacrifices quality instruction for speed. The Quality Control voice in me clucks its tongue.

I tired looking on GameFAQs, but to no avail. </3 Fortunately @tt_zopā€™s advice led to a strategy the gave me a photo finish. All down but Hachi who survived with 1 HP.


finding this pretty fuckinā€™ hard and iā€™ve 1ccd a lot of classic castlevania


Posted this in Games Played but that Final Episode was a real hoot, what a cool game. Will make for some great speedruns too I hope.

And yeah itā€™s a lot harder than Curse 1 I think.


itā€™s a lot easier now i can consistently remember that the meme character has on demand invincibility, still challenging though as of the beginning of episode 2

yeah this is good shit, once again

Wait, so there are three of these Bloodstained games now? I donā€™t think I was aware of the distinction between RotN and the moon game(ā€¦s?). I kept meaning to try it, and kept putting it off

Yeah Curse of the Moon was a retro throwback game developed and published by Inti Creates they made as a crowdfunding goal for Ritual of the Night and it just got a sequel that is by all accounts New and Improved.

Now that Iga and co. are finding success making the off-brand versions it would be interesting to see what a Konami-made Castlevania game would be like these days, if they were still making any.


Is Curse of the Moon 2 better than Curse of the Moon. I havenā€™t Cved for a while, but Iā€™m looking to get a chunky NES-y platform game like these (or maybe the Rondo of Blood/SotN pack on PS4?)

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Rondo is a must play. Have you seen the Konami CV collection? Itā€™s got all the nes games plus the underrated game boy ones

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Itā€™s a considered improvement in every way but that doesnā€™t mean the first game isnā€™t good too. Worth playing back to back.

Both Rondo and Symphony are musts if you havenā€™t been through them before but that collection is only worth it for convenienceā€™s sake.


incidentally bloodstained 2 is giving me major rondo vibes

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I played through episode 1 on easy mode and it was not easy. I think I need someone to explain to me how to castlevane

bloodstained 2 is much harder than bloodstained one. the first game was more chill and let you steer thru most levels just as the character you wanted, sometimes switching to use an ability or a subweapon. bloodatained 2 really bases enemy and platforming encounters on switching characters often.

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Demonā€™s Souls taught me how to play Castlevania


donā€™t expect jumping to be the burst of motile freedom it is in a mario game or most other platformers. itā€™s just another tool in your belt which needs to be treated with careful judgement and timing. you could almost think of it as a 1.5D game in practice, especially what with the way staircases are implemented


ā€œonly jump when you need toā€ is the single most important piece of pre-sotn castlevania advice

beyond that itā€™s mostly just a matter of knowing which subweapon to hold onto


also solid advice for:

  • street fighter
  • living in your 30s