Blizzard DOTA

I just went up to cover it when you died! :sunglasses:

Played this like 6 hours tonight. This game is dope. Pulled one irl buddy in. Maybe Iā€™ll get more???

Chewnicorn#1943 if yaā€™ll want to be Blizzard buds. Maybe weā€™ll get better and then play with you!?

I feel like Iā€™ve made significant progress in understanding how to play the game and Iā€™m winning more often in quick play? Itā€™s really hard to tell if thatā€™s just because of the onslaught of new people coming for the Overwatch skins or if Iā€™m actually better against similarly skilled opponents than I was previously though.

The game is much more fun when you feel like you understand what is happening and arenā€™t constantly tilting because of chat telling you you donā€™t know how to play the game (which is true, but not helpful)

i just now disabled allied chat and honestly itā€™s much better

oh man yeah thatā€™s step 0 in feeling better while you play

like 90% of chat in QM games means nothing unless someone is telling you theyā€™re doing a weird build, and you can just check on that anyway

forcing yourself to react to nothing but the information on screen helps a lot imo

i also find having music on in the background helps a lot

different music works better for different roles!


I just lose like every game. I am objectively worse than I was like 2 months ago in every way. I donā€™t know what changed. every game I win is a 25 minute struggle. then I lose 4 games in a row that are over in the first five minutes. they took my 3 best maps out of the map pool. they took out 3 of my worst ones too, but Iā€™m still stuck with cursed hollow. my win rate on that map defies logic. it is my second most played map overall. I have a 28% all time win rate on it. you could go afk in every game and youā€™d be hard pressed to have a lower win rate than that. I cannot recall winning a tribute team fight. as in, ever. in QM I am on a 1-12 cursed hollow streak. in draft itā€™s 3-8. I cannot figure out why I am so absolutely awful on this map. towers of doom was statistically my best map. I am currently on a 1-11 streak on it.

the game quality since 2.0 released is completely in the gutter. lately Iā€™ve been getting new players in my games for some reason. like, the kinds of players who never ever move out of their lane for the entire game for any reason, do sub 10k hero damage on tychus and yet somehow also do not do a single point of damage to the enemy fort in their lane. Iā€™ve had enemy teams cap objectives with one person right next to a teammate that does not move one inch toward interrupting them at any point. I played a braxis where the enemy team, while behind, got two 0 to 100 zerg waves against us without anyone on our team besides me making even one attempt to contest either point. I lost a hanamura where the enemy team had the last payload about a third of the way from winning the game when I get a pick and kill someone. itā€™s now 4v5. my entire team leaves the cart to chase a genji for the rest of the game, while the three other enemy players walk up to the cart and win the game uncontested while I ping and eventually helplessly suicide. I picked a guldan for an auriel once only she didnā€™t put her thing on me ever because whatever. I try to tell her, but only like once because Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™ll call me a faggot if I provide useful information in chat. she tried to split push with her genji friend for some reason. she would not heal anyone but him, ever, for any reason. including herself. she would not press W on herself with full energy while being chased at low HP. she picked resurrect and used it once the entire game, on a kaelthas who immediately died again. I assumed she was new, so I didnā€™t say anything mean. by the end of a protracted hanamura map she had sub 10k hero damage, sub 10k siege damage, and 12k total healing. toward the end of the game I asked if she was new. she said no, then she called me a faggot and the rest of the team immediately agreed that we lost because of me.

I think I get called a faggot or a nigger in about 30% of my games.

I decided to mute chat one game as an experiment. the first thing that happens is I try to go bot lane on cursed hollow as greymane because I am very obviously the person who should be doing this. our kael thas follows. I ping him back to mid. he doesnā€™t listen so I decide ok weā€™ll just two man this lane. he pings me away. I say fine Iā€™m being a useful no chat teammate Iā€™ll just go back mid. he dies to a zeratul gank because of course he does thatā€™s why Iā€™m trying to go bot and he should be fucking mid. he goes bot again and dies to a zera gank again. I go bot he pings me away. I unmute chat to tell him let me bot youā€™re just going to die to zera ganks. he refuses and immediately dies to another zeratul gank, declares zeratul a bullshit hero, flames me, and we lose in 10 minutes. the one time I try to mute chat I literally immediately encounter a scenario in which I needed to chat and my desire to not chat coupled with an idiot player instantly lost us the game. YAY TEAMMWORK.

I donā€™t mute chat and honestly very rarely have a bad time with it.

I listen to ASMR videos when I solo queue, maybe related.

That said, 2.0 has brought some garbage players out, wow. Might take some time off from playing alone.

Really dreading moving out from Versus AI to quick play for the next three weeks of the challenge. Iā€™m bad at the game so I will be yelled at a lot.

itā€™s cool, letā€™s turn off allied chat and duo queue

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you know, Iā€™m not completely sold on Hanamura as a map, but I do love the fact that it popping makes for some silly drafts

i got a dva skin!

I find I like Tassadar. He can melt creep waves, give bruisers a life steal shield buff and doesnā€™t have to go for kill and just keep my laser on targets while someone else does the killing. Also has a decent enough NOPE skill and an ultimate that make him a good puncher or trap with a wall.

I really like using Morales in quick match, it has really helped with getting my team wins and power through to get the DVa bonuses.

Morales is super brutal without counters. Good last pick for draft modes too

morales is soooooo booooooooring though

I donā€™t like her because sheā€™s a binary design, in almost any game she appears the game becomes "can we kill the morales quicklyā€™ vs. ā€œcan we protect the moralesā€

some people might say that because sheā€™s a very simple character with clear goals and no mechanical anything, you should play her as a new player, but because the bullseye on you is so prominent I donā€™t think thatā€™s often a great idea. I played a game yesterday where the enemy team last picked a morales into varian/tyrael/greymane. she was the worst player in the game and because she was the worst player on an immobile character with a bullseye on her against a hard engage team, she spent her time playing respawn timer simulator instead of heroes of the storm

but yeah in quick match there are often times where the enemy team just wonā€™t have an answer to morales and the game is over

I do like Morales because there is not a lot to keep track of. I am also pretty bad at the game, I rarely venture outside of Vs AI mode. I have no ambition for eventually playing ranked or quick match on a consistent basis.

She used to be super boring but the grenade change made her more interactive. I wouldnā€™t touch her before it.

play that lili. sheā€™s also a no mechanics hero, even more so than morales, but sheā€™s also broken and can keep herself alive vs half the roster by pressing one button. I think someone else earlier in this thread advised lili when I was even more of a noob than I am currently, but thatā€™s even more true now since she was recently buffed. sheā€™s also the best announcer so you can double up for that synergy if you have good gamble box luck.

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