Blizzard DOTA

Added everyone! My Overwatch teammates have gotten a stomach bug so I think I’ll be trying grind away at this in the meantime.

the capacity for people to throw a game in quick match is fucking astounding

So, Varian is super fun. Like, build diversity aside, he just has a super fun moveset.

Like, I’ve been having fun with him in quickmatch, that’s crazy!

He’s also one of the most reasonably balanced heroes in a while, power level-wise!

Too bad he is the single worst character design Blizzard has ever produced lol

Varian will have decent build diversity once tank heroic is buffed to not be complete garbage

Colossus Smash? great for comps with high damage and low CC
Twin Blades? great dps and good jungling ability
Shield? I can taunt someone already next to me for a second, yay

It’s not compete garbage, it’s just that it’s main use (ccing someone chasing one of your squishies) is taken by the charge stun.

Shouldn’t be too hard to fix, though

I think part of the issue is that wanting to go an actual, true tank build involves not taking Warbringer and that, besides taunt, the only thing you get is extra health

It just seems like going the other two heroics and the talents that compliment them do way more for the team than tank build and, honestly, any build can get the Real Tanky talent, Shield Wall

It’s an easy fix though. You just make the tank ult give his w some % of healing of damaged absorbed


(this is a joke)

If I can bring myself to get out of bed, I’d be up to run a couple games today.

@meauxdal This is what I mentioned in-game earlier that I thought I had linked in the thread:

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oh btw I’m peetee8 #1353

good games the other day. interesting to see that unranked has such a small proportion; it’s the only draft mode in which you can play with all your friends regardless of rank (there’s team league, but team league queues require 5 and the queue time is immense)

gosh all the quickmatch people don’t know what they’re missing


I wandered into one of those Nexus Challenge vs. Beginner AI channels and I knocked out a good 16 games tonight… kinda time constrained these days so doing it legit didn’t seem feasible given my current schedule. Upside: I discovered I really like playing as Sgt. Hammer. She’s a powerhouse, and one of her talents allows her to heal from every basic attack, so she has quite a bit of self-sufficiency.

also I would totally play unranked draft if I didn’t have anxiety about being bad at draft

play with me :exclaim:

I too am a tomato farmer

Oh goodness

New rejiggered Diablo is <3

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