Hey I want to talk about Persona5. It was released about two years ago. I think everyone was really excited for it played it for 15 hours and didn’t return. Much like overdue DVD rentals from the Shibuya Tsutaya.
I just beat the 4th dungeon. I now have gamer hikkumori girl that in the P5D was unbearable and I played that game for a hour before quiting.
The main reason I picked P5 back up is exercise. When I first played through Persona 4 I got in the best shape of my life. I am a lazy jerk. But the exact pacing of Persona 4 meant anytime I S-Linked or Leveled Up I could stop put down the controller and do pushups, sittups, jumping jacks, planks something. Leveling up in real life. It worked! I do not get enough exercise in Tokyo despite all the walking I do here.
So I am playing this game about being a student in Tokyo while being an adult student in Tokyo. I take the same train! I know Sangenjaya enough that I am annoyed by the interpretation of it.
That Members only old movie flyers shop is cool as hell! God Let me pay 10 bucks just to look around in there and die of second hand smoke.
But Boy is the message of the game, the mood of the game, the player agency, and the story all at odds with each other. This high school girl didn’t want to sell her body for her friend’s future gets her magic powers and then is immediately asked to sell her body for her friends only now it is a joke.
Oh both the girls have sweated so much you can kind of see their bra and the boys are horny for it and you the player are also on board and horny with this haha goof. Haha the girls were thought of as sexual objects and hated it haha. Fuck off persona 5.
Everyone knows at this point you start hiring your homeroom teacher as a maid to unlock being able to play the fucking game. Stop having a shit eating cat tell you you can’t do that today. Fuck off cat. Why do i have to sleep with my teacher to unlock this bullshit.
And the cast sucks compared to P4.
Girl 1 mostly doing the same story as Rise
Boy 1 just loves to run but adults are awful
Boy 2 only thinks about everything in art it is hilarious??
Girl 2 is well alright. Class President realizing the system is bullshit but probably going to come around and say no the system is good
Girl 3 exclusively talks in video game terms in P5D but so far seems alright if artificial.
And so far all the side stories are half assed compared to P4 a game I played through twice and I could defend Kanji and Naoto but no one wants that argument least of all me.
And then there is the daily in game conversations of “All we can do is wait”. Like Yeah of course. Want to talk about anything else. No I don’t want to hang out for fun. The hangouts that give me in game boosts are so numerous and I guess I don’t like any of you that much anyways.
Point is I am keeping my MC celibate of protest and lord I wouldn’t even date any of the guy characters.
And the guy that is obviously the bad guy I mean fucking come on I actually like because I hate his guts and everytime he is on screen I audibly go “Fuck This Guy.”