all things #shrugpunk

Hey remember how in avp: requiem the cleaner predator flies all the way to earth to clean up Alien Evidence? But then while he’s there he kills people and hangs them up as trophies, thus leaving evidence of himself everywhere?

What a shitty, thoughtless movie!

“Welcome to my book collection.” -Peter Berg

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is this worst shrugpunk?

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Marky Mark lookin slim

the article is if the arrangement itself doesn’t get there



Mmmm idk about this

What a year for trashy sequels.

This is just straight up a superhero movie.

da motha fuckin share z0ne


This is now a @parker and @anonymous thread also.



Daaaaaamn this looks hot

this time predator is hunting school shooters

shrug i wanna hear about the worst medieval warfare stuff youve read in fantasy novels

For the first half of the Kin trailer I thought it was the new Predator and I was getting kind of hype tbh

It’s actually a stealth Laserblast remake I think

if you also want to hear the best medieval warfare stuff, Mary Gentle literally got a Masters degree in War Studies while doing research for her novel “Ash: A Secret History” and its all very very realistic. It’s Berserk levels of grimdark, tho so I find it hard to recommend to most audiences.


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