Inspired by a real conversation with Select Buttoners held in a real Saizeriya (it was fantastic), I want to create a scenario and for you to indulge in the role play:
Imagine you are reading selectbutton in 2024 at age 20. You make an introduction post and want to list your 3 favorite/best/games to impress the forum. I must specifiy these must be games you respected when you were 20 years old. Don’t worry this will make more sense in my example post which is next:
As someone who was actually occasionally lurking SB at the time, I think there’s also a distinct chance I would have substituted Yoshi’s Island for WiiWare minimalist puzzle game Rotohex, which I was playing a lot of at the time, in order to appeal to the forum’s contemporary fondness for Simple Series games.
There were a lot of games I respected when I turned 20 in December 2004 but if I had to pick the three I was playing at that moment they would probably be:
nights into dreams
global defence force (edf2)
(i got a saturn in 2003, and saturn games were still mostly dirt cheap in the 00s, so i was catching up on what i’d missed out on, as well as discovering a love for taito thanks to the articles of that one italian guy in the gamers quarter)(though it’s possible i wouldn’t have been so excited to buy global defence force on release day if i weren’t already on sb)
Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri: A Brian Reynolds Design
Half-Life 2
way too PC-centric, that is why i didn’t post on SB then, just occasionally lurked for views on the mysterious world of console gaming. if pressed for console games at the time i would have had to go with tetris (i played a shitload of 2-player snes tetris in college), katamari damacy, and yoshi’s island or mario brothers 3, but felt uncomfortably normie about it
In 2014 it would have been earthbound, mgs2, nier.
I still love earthbound obviously. I might have last replayed it 8 or 9 years ago.
I have forgotten almost everything about mgs2, my last playthrough was 12 years ago, the HD version. I barely used my Xbox in those days so it finally RROD’ed in 2012. During the solidus fight I kid you not.
I may have forgotten concrete details but I still remember what it felt like emotionally to hang out in nier world. I would have just discovered that game at 20 and been really excited about it.
It took a few minutes to reconstruct my mindset enough to remember how highly I used to think of Secret of Mana. Nobody really respects the game anymore but it was very ambitious for its time: 3-player coop, RPG and action systems at the same time, you could fly around a Mode-7 globe on a dragon. Plus check out this cover art: