i’m not really sure i had Opinions about videogames at 20 so would i really join a selectbutton
i wasnt on selectbutton but i tried to join a snobby videogame community (videohate) on livejournal and they rejected me because they thought i was being RANDUM XDEEEE when i had super street fighter 2 turbo in my top 10 and they said warioware wasnt even a game it was just a minigame collection (ONLY THE MOST TIGHTLY DESIGNED MINIGAME COLLECTION THANK YOU) which is like how are these guys snobs in the first place haha
grim fandango
no one lives forever
So that was '99, which seems to be earlier than everyone else’s listed year, not sure how to feel about that…
Super Metroid, MGS 1… probably Zelda: LttP
March 29, 2002: despite how much Super Smash Bros Melee I’ve been playing, I don’t really respect multiplayer games enough yet to give them the credit they deserve. Ditto all the games on PS2 that I’ve started collecting: MGS2 and Ico were cool, but I’d spent too many years obsessed with RPGs not to put Chrono Trigger and Planescape: Torment in spots #1 and 2.
I probably give spot #3 to Majora’s Mask, even though Link’s Awakening is the better game.
Deadly Premonition
Far Cry 2
Gravity Bone
some may be able to guess which podcast i listened to too much of
i was just 21 when i started lurking in 2016, and i know that i found this place from searching “symphony of the night level design” hoping to find analysis.
i was in the midst of trying various “classics” on the PS2 (shadow of the colossus, katamari, god hand) and a year earlier had been on a myst bender, so it was pressure to broaden my horizons that brought me here, not the other way
This is the list, right here
Nope! Just that nobody knows/cares about the games I posted to know that they’re ancient.
(One of mine just barely squeaks in, plus there may be somebody else who’s also dredging the mists of time…)
I played Escape Velocity too! Impressive fog-based flying game although not quite as mindblowing as Bullfrog’s Magic Carpet
EDIT: Whoops looks like I was thinking of Terminal Velocity
2008: DDR Extreme, Metal Gear Solid 2, Resident Evil 4
technically … was 20+ when i started lurking on IC, because SB wasn’t there yet.
so, the three games that brought me into SB would have been GT3, REZ, and either Ikaruga or R-Type Final.
if it was moi at 20 though, 2001 it is a bit more difficult :
make that
- San Francisco Rush (N64)
- Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (N64)
- Indycar 2 (PC)
because the DC hadn’t been bought by my brother yet, neither the PS2.
Might have been stuck on GB most of the time back then, but it was such a long time ago, i tell y’all
#1 Morrowind- with a bullet, not up for debate.
#2 Split Suikoden II/Shadow Hearts: Covenant - Shadow Hearts might win out here, because despite liking Shadow Hearts a little less than Suikoden II, it would have had recency bias, and thus been proof that more games like it would get made.
#3 Split Monkey Island 2/The Dig - The Dig might win out because, despite being not as good as Monkey Island’s individual parts, it’s a coherent satisfying whole and a blueprint for how the adventure game genre can be used to tell stories.
and a 50% chance of any spot getting replaced by Escape Velocity: Override based on my hormone balance that day.
This is early 2005 I was thinking because of insert credit by the end of 2005 it would be
Killer7, RRootage, Viewtiful Joe
2004 I probably would have said like
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
F-Zero X
Probably not, it’s been 20 years I remember games I liked but not how I would rank them
Crazy Taxi
Guardian Heroes
This falls in the big gap where the GBA was my primary console, and I had just gotten my first reasonable PC and I was playing catch up on computer games. I didn’t get on board the PS2 train til Shadow of the Colossus hit and that was still on the horizon here.
Super Dodge Ball Advance
Quake 1
Zelda 1
In early 2002 I would probably have said the best video games of all time were Jet Grind Radio, Super Mario Bros. 3, and either Turtles in Time or Sunset Riders but there is a chance I would have said Star Control 3 because of the cool puppets
EDIT: It is also possible I would say Tomba or Rollcage but who knows
FF6, Double Dragon 2, Metal Gear Solid. That list is kind of boring but who wasn’t at 20
2003 (5 years before I joined SB):
Super Mario Bros. (yes, everyone loves it, but I understand it and appreciate it on a deeper level than your average “gamer”)
Return to Zork (a testament to my intellect and status as an “adventure game” connoisseur—I am unaware of the reappraisals of the adventure game genre that have taken the whole genre down a peg and this frustrating, strained-logic game in particular)
Final Fantasy VI (yes, everyone loves it, but I will write you something incredible about my appreciation for its rich storytelling, cinematic, and literary qualities)