There’s a global Ninja JaJaMaru-kun renaissance going on right now and I have no idea why.
See also: Ninja JaJaMaru: The Great Yokai Battle + Hell
There’s a global Ninja JaJaMaru-kun renaissance going on right now and I have no idea why.
See also: Ninja JaJaMaru: The Great Yokai Battle + Hell
People are waking up and remembering Jaleco.
unreleased manfred trenz GBC game dumped
wow they did the Iridion 3D trick on the GBC
I was about to say that I made it to stage 3 on one credit, before noticing that game overs don’t seem to be enabled.
two debugging functions I noticed on accident:
Jaguar CD emulation
I am loving this guy’s FAQ
I dont know why it makes sense to me that an avowed marxist would love the atari jaguar
Big week for indie games from 2012 finally getting a release
Next we are gonna hear something about Barkley or Octopus City Blues.
octo city blues has an open demo out rn and release date of q4 sometime! you can enter the demo via their discord, i’m still playing through it, it’s great
enhanced steam port of legendary kamige out at reduced price in early access
pikmin 5
Nintendoland 2
dlc for mario croquet or something like that that i’ve never heard of
another fucking Xenoblade game
pikmin 6